Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Centre, Swansea.

Contact: Democratic Services - 636820 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor N S Bradley and D Phillips.


Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. pdf icon PDF 30 KB


Councillor M C Child – Personal & Prejudicial – Minute No.  – Home to School Transport Policy – Public Consultation on a New Proposed Policy -  Son in receipt of 6th form transport.  Councillor M C Child left the meeting prior to discussion of this item.


Councillor C R Doyle – Personal – Minute No.   Local Authority Governor Appointments - Governor at Birchgrove Comprehensive School.


Councillor M Theaker – Personal & Prejudicial – Minute No.  – Home to School Transport Policy – Public Consultation on a New Proposed Policy – Governor of Gower College Swansea.  Councillor M Theaker left the meeting prior to discussion of this item.


Jack Straw – Personal – Minute No.  – Home to School Transport Policy – Public Consultation on a New Proposed Policy – Son in receipt of 6th form transport.


Minutes. pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 3 June, 2014.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 3 June 2014 be approved as a correct record.


Leader of the Council's Report(s).




Public Question Time.


Mr Campbell asked a question in relation to Minute No.    -   Home to School Transport Policy – Public Consultation on a new Proposed Policy.  The Cabinet Member Learning and Skills responded accordingly.


Ms Powell asked a question in relation to Minute No.    -   Home to School Transport Policy – Public Consultation on a new Proposed Policy.  The Cabinet Member Learning and Skills responded accordingly.


Mr Blackburn asked a question in relation to Minute No.    -   Home to School Transport Policy – Public Consultation on a new Proposed Policy.  The Head of Legal, Democratic Services and Procurement responded accordingly.


Mr Dicker asked a question in relation to Minute No.    -   Home to School Transport Policy – Public Consultation on a new Proposed Policy.  The Cabinet Member Learning and Skills responded accordingly.




Councillors' Question Time.


Councillor J A Hale asked a question in relation to Minute No.    -   Home to School Transport Policy – Public Consultation on a new Proposed Policy.  The Cabinet Member Learning and Skills responded accordingly.


Councillor J C Bayliss asked a question in relation to Minute No.    -   Home to School Transport Policy – Public Consultation on a new Proposed Policy.  The Cabinet Member Learning and Skills responded accordingly.


Councillor P M Meara asked a question in relation to Minute No.    -   Home to School Transport Policy – Public Consultation on a new Proposed Policy.  The Cabinet Member Learning and Skills responded accordingly.


Cabinet Member Response to the Report of the Attainment and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel. pdf icon PDF 69 KB


The Cabinet Member for Learning and Skills presented the response to the scrutiny recommendation and outlined an action plan to address these. 




That the response of the Cabinet Member as outlined in the report and related action plan be authorised.


Policy Framework




Reason for Decision


To comply with the requirements of the Council Constitution.




Legal, Finance, Access to Services.



Report of the Leader. pdf icon PDF 53 KB


Customer Contact Strategy. pdf icon PDF 106 KB


The Cabinet member for Citizen and Community Engagement and Democracy presented a report which sought to agree to Customer Contact Strategy.




That the Customer Contact Strategy be approved.


Policy Framework




Reason for Decision


To improve the way we develop and provide modern and efficient customer services.




Legal, Finance, Access to Services and the Customer Services Project Team.



21st Century Schools Programme - New Gowerton Primary School. pdf icon PDF 73 KB


The Cabinet member for Learning and Skills presented a report which sought to:


·       To approve the scheme for the new build for Gowerton Primary School subject to confirmation of grant and contract with Welsh Government.

·       To seek authorisation to award the 2nd Stage Contract for the works to Tender No. 1, subject to confirmation of grant and contract with Welsh Government.

·       To approve the appropriation of the proposed site at The Elba.






1.      The capital scheme as detailed together with the financial implications set out in Appendix A is approved, subject to confirmation of grant and contract with Welsh Government and;

2.      The contract for the works to build a new school for Gowerton Primary be awarded to Tender No. 1 subject to confirmation of grant and contract with Welsh Government and;

3.      As no objections to the appropriation have been received, the Appropriation of the land from the Director of Place to the Director of People is approved which will enable the building of the proposed new Gowerton Primary School;

4.      The Head of Legal, Democratic Services and Procurement is authorised to enter into any necessary documentation required to complete the contract and achieve the scheme.


Policy Framework


·       The Review and Capital Budget as reported to and approved by Council on the 18th February 2014.

·       Corporate Priority to review the overall provision of schools.

·       Corporate Priority to improve opportunities for children and young people.

·       Corporate Priority improving school performance.

·       Corporate Priority effective corporate and strategic management of assets.


Reason for Decision


·       To comply with Financial Procedure Rule 7 (Capital programming and Appraisals) – to commit and authorise schemes as per the Capital Programme.

·       To comply with Contract Procedure Rule 13, the evaluation and award of contract.

·       Statutory requirement under S.122 (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972 to consider any objections to the proposed appropriation of an open space.




Education, Finance, Legal Services, Corporate Building and Property Services.



Home to School Transport Policy - Public Consultation on a New Proposed Policy. pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Learning and Skills presented a report which reported back on the responses to consultation with regard to the proposed new Home to School Transport Policy and transitional support arrangements.






1)    Cabinet noted the outcome of the statutory consultation process and the potential impact on equalities issues, as outlined in the report.

2)    Cabinet agreed that proposal 1 and 2, in relation to the discretionary areas of provision, should be taken forward to Council for approval.


Policy Framework


Current Home to School Transport Policy.

The Welsh Education Strategic Plan.

Reason for Decision


For Cabinet to consider the responses received as part of the recent public consultation together with the Equality Impact Assessments and determine whether it wishes to ask Council to adopt some or all of the proposals .




Legal, Finance, Transportation & Access to Services.



Local Authority Governor Appointments pdf icon PDF 23 KB


The Cabinet Member for Learning and Skills presented a report which sought to approve he nominations submitted to fill Local Authority Governor vacancies in School Governing Bodies.




That the nominations be approved as recommended by the Local Authority Governor Appointment Panel:




Cllr. John Newbury – re-appointed



Ge Gao



Mrs Janette Gail Bayliss



Councillor Bob Clay


Policy Framework


Policy and Procedure for Appointment of

L. A. Governors as amended by Council on 23 October 2008.


Reason for Decision


To ensure vacancies are to be filled expeditiously.



Education, Legal, Finance.



Consultation Response : Reform of the Housing Revenue Account Subsidy System (HRAS). pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Place presented a report which sought to consider and agree a response to the Welsh Government’s consultation on the reform of the Housing Revenue Account Subsidy System.




The proposed responses to the individual questions as detailed in the report are forwarded to the Welsh Government by the due date.


Policy Framework


Local Housing Strategy.


Reason for Decision


For Cabinet to endorse a response by the deadline of the 10th July 2014.




Legal, Finance & Access to Services.



Integration of Health and Social Care Services. pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Wellbeing presented a report which sets out in greater detail some of the plans to achieve further integration of Health and Social Care Services for Older People and disabled people.






a.     The report is approved

b.     The Western Bay Statement of Intent is endorsed

c.     The City & County of Swansea statement of intent is endorsed


Policy Framework


Fulfilled Lives, Supportive Communities

Sustainable Social Services: A framework for Action


Reason for Decision


To gain approval for further development of plans for integration




Legal, Finance.



Exclusion of the Public. pdf icon PDF 38 KB


Cabinet were requested to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of the items of business identified in the recommendations to the report on the grounds they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as set out in the exclusion paragraph of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007 relevant to the items of business set out in the report.




Cabinet considered the Public Interest Test in deciding whether to exclude the public from the meeting for the items of business where the Public Interest Test was relevant as set out in the report.




It was RESOLVED that the public be excluded for the following items of business.







Disposal of Former Earlsmoor Residential Care Home, Bryn Road, Swansea.


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, on behalf of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, presented a report which sought to dispose of Council property in accordance with the Council’s surplus property disposal policy.




That the recommendations as outlined in the report be approved.


Policy Framework


City & County of Swansea’s Asset Management Plan.


Reason for Decision


To facilitate the disposal and redevelopment of the property.




Legal, Finance, Corporate Building and Property Services, Planning, Highways.




Swansea Market Building Enhancement Programme (BEP). Grant Award, Revised FPR7 and Contract Award.


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, on behalf of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, presented a report which sought to award a BEP grant towards the revised FPR7 to amend the budget with the Capital Programme and to award a contact for works.




That the recommendations as outlined in the report be approved.


Policy Framework


City Centre Strategic Framework.


Reason for Decision


To comply with Financial Procedure Rule No.7 (Capital Programming and Appraisals) - to commit and authorise schemes as per the Capital Programme or to include new schemes in the Capital Programme.


To comply with Contract Procedure Rule 13.12 where the award decision should be considered by Cabinet for further scrutiny.



Legal, Finance, Corporate Building and Property.