Agenda item

Proposed Lease to Mumbles Community Council under the Community Asset Transfer Policy.*


Call In Procedure - Subject to Pre-Decision Scrutiny: This decision is exempt from the Authority’s Call In Procedure as “the decision has been subject to Pre-Decision Scrutiny and there is no material change in relevant information / evidence”.


Councillor P M Black provided the Pre-decision Scrutiny feedback.


The Cabinet Members for Investment, Regeneration & Tourism and Delivery & Operations submitted a joint report which sought approval to negotiate and agree Heads of Terms and enter into a lease with Mumbles Community Council for land at Llwynderw for the purpose of constructing and managing a new skate park on the site.


Resolved that:


1)              The outcome responses from the consultation process under the public open spaces legislation that was undertaken in respect of the land identified in appendix A (site plan) of the report be noted. A full copy of the responses received, and each of those that Object, Support or provide a Neutral comment has been provided as Appendix G, with a high level summary provided within the body of this report.


2)              The proposed disposal of the land to Mumbles Community Council at a level of undervalue being acceptable to Cabinet and based on advice of the Director of Place be approved. Authority be delegated to the Director of Place to negotiate and settle the terms of the proposed lease of the land identified in Appendix A (Site Plan) of the report and authority be delegated to the Chief Legal Officer to finalise the legal documentation.


3)              Improvements be made to the site in line with the associated planning permission reference 2019/2345/FUL granted on 13 February 2020 for a replacement Skatepark at West Cross Skate Park, Mumbles Road, Blackpill, Swansea.

Supporting documents: