Venue: Remotely via Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - 01792 636923
No. | Item |
Disclosures of Personal & Prejudicial Interest. Decision: None. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To approve and sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record. Decision: Approved. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the Swansea Public Services Board held on 8 February 2024 be approved as a correct record. |
Public Question Time. Questions can be submitted in writing to Democratic Services up until noon on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must relate to items on the open part of the agenda and will be dealt within a 10 minute period. Decision: None. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Draft Public Services Board Annual Report 2023/24. PDF 103 KB Ness Young, Swansea Council Additional documents: Decision: Approved. Minutes: Ness Young, Swansea Council presented a report to seek approval of the proposed draft 2023/24 Public Services Board (PSB). Each of the partners also provided a verbal progress report on
quarter 4 of the 2023-24 action plan. A video of the annual report was in production and it was
suggested that some context or introduction be included for some of the
photographs in the report. Resolved that: 1)
The Public Services Board approves the Draft PSB Annual Report for
2023/24 to date, subject to any final comments received from members and agrees
to receive additional content via email to finalise the report. 2)
A copy of the final report will be presented to a future PSB for
information. |
Public Services Board Scrutiny - 14 May 2024. (Verbal) Ness Young, Swansea Council Decision: Noted. Minutes: Ness Young, Swansea Council reminded partners that the Chair and the Vice Chair of the PSB would be attending the Scrutiny Programme Committee on 14 May as per the statutory requirement set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. It was agreed that the PSB would share both the Draft PSB Annual Report 2023/24 and the Draft PSB Action Plan 2024/25 with the Scrutiny Programme Committee. |
Draft Public Services Board Action Plan 2024-25. PDF 101 KB Ness Young, Swansea Council Additional documents: Decision: Approved. Minutes: Ness Young, Swansea Council presented a report to seek approval of the proposed 2024/25 actions set out in the Draft Action Plan. Chris Truscott, South Wales Police asked the
PSB to consider supporting work to co-locate the Council and Police Community
Safety Partnership staff, aligned to Step 4 of the PSB Wellbeing Plan, Strong
communities - "To build cohesive and resilient communities with a sense
of pride and belonging" The Board discussed the role of
the joint Swansea and NPT PSB and whether that was a more appropriate fit and
while it was agreed that this was a sensible longer term aspiration at this
point the PSB was more appropriate as initially the focus of the work would be
on establishing a co-located team in Swansea (one already being in place in
NPT). The Board agreed build the Community Safety Partnership colocation project under Step 4, subject to the detail being worked up, discussed and agreed with the Step 4 Strategic Lead, Roger Thomas, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service Resolved that the Public Services Board: 1)
Approves the Draft Action plan for 2024/25, subject
to the addition of an action under step 4 related to the colocation of Council
and Police Community Safety Staff. 2)
Agrees to receive quarterly update reports on
the action plan as a standing item at future PSB meetings. |
Future Agenda Items. Decision: Noted. Minutes: The Chair sought agenda items for future meetings from partners. The following were suggested: · Community Safety Partnership Terms of Reference refresh; ·
A more
detailed presentation from one or two of the Step leads be provided at each of
the quarterly meetings; ·
on GP Clusters. |
Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service - Changes to Response to Automatic Fire Detection. Minutes: Peter Greenslade, Mid
& West Wales Fire & Rescue Service explained that a leaflet had been
produced in relation to changes being imposed from 1 July 2024 in respect of
the way they will respond to calls received from Alarm Receiving Centres. The leaflet would be circulated to partners
by email but further details could be obtained via their website or by
contacting the Chief Fire Officer or himself. |
Shaping Places in Wales Programme. Minutes: Karen Stapleton
reminded partners of the request at the last meeting in relation to the
“Shaping Places in Wales Programme” and to let Jennifer Davies know if they
wanted to proceed with the places available. |