Venue: Remotely via Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - 01792 636923
No. | Item |
Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. Decision: None. Minutes: In accordance with the Code of Conduct, no interests were declared. |
To approve & sign the
Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record. Decision: Approved. Minutes: Resolved that the Minutes of the Swansea Bay City Region Joint
Committee held on 12 October 2023 be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Announcement(s) of the Chair. Decision: Noted. Minutes: The following announcements were made: a) Condolences - Huw Mowbray - Development and Physical Regeneration Strategic Manager The Leader of the Council referred with sadness to the recent death of
Huw Mowbray. Huw was the Council’s Development & Physical Regeneration
Strategic Manager. Huw was a great friend and colleague to many and was widely
respected by Councillors & Officers for his professionalism and dedication. For many years, Huw helped shape the regeneration of the City Centre and
had been held in the highest esteem by our Partners and Developers. Huw’s
impact on the City can be seen today in the many developments that have helped
transform the City Centre. Our thoughts and condolences are with Huw’s family, friends, and
colleagues. b)
Chair welcomed Professor Elwen Evans, proposed replacement University of Wales
Trinity Saint David co-opted member and Judith Hardisty, proposed replacement
Hywel Dda University Health Board co-opted member to
the Committee. |
Public Questions Questions can be submitted in writing to Democratic Services up until noon on the working day prior to the meeting. Written questions take precedence. Public may attend and ask questions in person if time allows. Questions must relate to items on the open part of the agenda and will be dealt within a 10 minute period. Decision: None. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Swansea Bay City Region Joint Committee Co-opted Membership. PDF 117 KB Decision: Approved. Minutes: Debbie Smith, Deputy Monitoring Officer presented a report to review and agree the recommended Joint Committee Co-Opted Members. Resolved that Joint Committee approves the appointment of: 1) Professor Elwen Evans as the replacement University of Wales Trinity Saint David co-opted member; 2) Judith Hardisty as the replacement Hywel Dda University Health Board co-opted member. |
Internal Audit Terms of Reference 2023-24. PDF 113 KB Additional documents: Decision: Approved. Minutes: Matthew Holder, Head of Internal Audit presented a report to consider and endorse the Internal Audit Terms of Reference. Resolved that: 1) Joint Committee approves the Internal Audit Terms of Reference 2023-24. |
Audit of Accounts Report (ISA260) 2022/23. PDF 95 KB Additional documents:
Decision: For information. Minutes: Jason Blewitt, Audit Wales presented the audit of Accounts Report (ISA 260) 2022/23 report in respect of the Swansea Bay City Deal Joint Committee as at 31 March 2023. Resolved that: 1) Joint Committee receives the Audit Wales audit of the 2022/2023 Statement of Accounts report for the Swansea Bay City Deal Joint Committee. |
Swansea Bay City Deal Statement of Accounts 2022/23. PDF 196 KB Additional documents: Decision: Approved. Minutes: Chris Moore, Section 151 Officer presented a report which sought approval for the Swansea Bay City Deal Programme’s Annual Statement of Accounts for the 2022/2023 financial year. Resolved that: 1) Joint Committee approves the 2022/2023 post-audit Swansea Bay City Deal Statement of Accounts. |
Letter of Representation to Audit Wales. PDF 275 KB Additional documents: Decision: Noted. Minutes: Chris Moore, Section 151 Officer presented a “For Information” report in order to receive Joint Committee’s formal acknowledgement of the Swansea Bay City Deal Section 151 Officer’s Letter of Representation to Audit Wales. The letter to be signed by the Section 151 Officer and Chair of the Swansea Bay City Region Joint Committee following the meeting. |
Additional documents:
Decision: Approved. Minutes: Nicola Pearce, supported by Lisa Willis and Jane Lewis presented a report which sought approval from Joint Committee for a change request to the Supporting Innovation and Low Carbon Growth (SILCG) Programme to incorporate the National Net Zero Skills Centre of Excellence (NZSCoE) into the approved Advance Manufacturing Production Facility (AMPF) project. Resolved that: 1) Joint Committee approves the Change Request at Appendix A for the incorporation of the National Net Zero Skills Centre of Excellence into the SILCG programme as detailed in the Outline Business Case in Appendix B. |
Decision: Approved. Minutes: Chris Moore, Section 151 Officer provided an update on the latest financial position of the Swansea Bay City Region. Resolved that: 1) Joint Committee approves the financial monitoring update report. |
Swansea Bay City Deal Quarterly Portfolio Monitoring. (For Information) PDF 350 KB Additional documents:
Decision: For Information. Minutes: Ian Williams, Swansea Bay City Deal Portfolio Development Manager presented a “For Information” report to inform Joint Committee of the SBCD Quarterly Monitoring Report for both the SBCD Portfolio and its constituent programmes / projects. |
Update on Gross Value Added (GVA) for Portfolio Monitoring and Evaluation. PDF 117 KB Additional documents: Decision: Noted. Minutes: Ian Williams, Swansea Bay City Deal Portfolio Development Manager presented a “For Information” report to inform Joint Committee of the receipt of confirmation from Governments that the SBCD portfolio is not required to directly track and associate Gross Value Added (GVA) as part of its regular monitoring and reporting. The Committee notes: 1) The confirmation from Governments that the Portfolio is not required to monitor and attribute GVA to programme and project interventions; 2) That SBCD PoMo will work with programmes and projects to develop alternative and appropriate SMART economic metrics for monitoring and evaluation. |