Agenda and minutes

Venue: Remotely via Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Scrutiny Officer 


No. Item


Disclosure of Personal and Prejudicial Interests.




Prohibition of Whipped Votes and Declaration of Party Whips




Public Questions

Questions can be submitted in writing to up until noon on the working day prior to the meeting. Written questions take precedence. Public may attend and ask questions in person if time allows. Questions must relate to items on the open part of the agenda and will be dealt with in a 10 minute period.



No public questions were received.


Schools Scrutiny Session 2 - Clydach Primary School pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Headteacher and Chair of Governors from Clydach Primary School.

Additional documents:


The Panel welcomed the Deputy/Acting Headteacher Mr Roe, the new Headteacher Mr Jones and the Chair of Governors Mr Nicholds to the meeting. 


The Panel agreed at the beginning of the municipal year to meet with three schools to discuss their school improvement plan and Estyn Inspection outcomes.  Clydach Primary School was one of those.


The Acting Headteacher and the Chair of Governors provided the Panel with a PowerPoint presentation addressing the four questions sent to the school in advance of the meeting, namely:


1.     Can you outline progress with your school improvement plan including progress with Estyn recommendations and introducing the new curriculum?

2.     What are the barriers to the school improving its learner outcomes further including any challenges you are experiencing?

3.     What are the governing bodies’ priorities are and how are they being addressed?

4.     How well do you feel you have been supported by the local authority, the school improvement service and Partneriaeth.


The Panel raised the following issues for further discussion


·       Have the level/number of staff changes and how many staff are still with you from prior to Nov 2022.

·       How are you ensuring parents are being kept informed of progress at the school.

·       How good progress and notable improvement has been made at the school since Estyn Inspection.

·       Capital investment at the school

·       Support the school has received from the Council and Partneriaeth

·       Ensuring the schools is taking all teachers on the journey in relation to the curriculum for Wales.

·       The next Estyn visit and next steps.


The Panel will put their full thoughts on the discussion had into a letter to the Cabinet Member of Education and Skills.


Work Plan for 2023/2024 pdf icon PDF 115 KB


The Work Plan for 2023/2024 was noted.  The meeting on the 13 March 2024 will be moved to a date in July 2024.

Letter to Cabinet Member pdf icon PDF 140 KB