Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Gloucester Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services: - 636923
No. | Item |
Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. Decision: In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and
County of Swansea, the following interests were declared: - Councillor C R Doyle, Councillor S A Knoyle and Ian Guy
declared personal interests in the agenda as a whole. Karen Cobb, Jeff Dong, Jeremy Parkhouse and Melissa Perry
declared personal interests in the agenda as a whole. Minutes: In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea, the following interests were declared: - Councillor C R Doyle, Councillor S A Knoyle and Ian Guy
declared personal interests in the agenda as a whole. Karen Cobb, Jeff Dong, Jeremy Parkhouse and Melissa Perry
declared personal interests in the agenda as a whole. |
To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record. Additional documents: Decision: Approved. Minutes: Resolved that the Minutes of the Local Pension Board meeting held on 25 October and 29 November 2023 be approved and signed as correct records. |
Detailed Audit Plan - City and County of Swansea. PDF 1 MB Decision: Noted. Minutes: Jeff Dong, Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy S151
Officer presented the Audit Wales 2023 Audit Plan – City and County of Swansea
Pension Fund. The report outlined the work Audit Wales would plan to undertake during 2023 to discharge its statutory responsibilities as external auditor and to fulfil its obligations under the Code of Audit Practice to examine and certify whether the Pension Fund accounting statements were ‘true and fair’. The purpose of the plan was to set out the proposed work, when it would be undertaken, how much it would cost and who would undertake it. It was added that there had been no limitations imposed on the auditors in planning the scope of the audit. The plan also outlined the financial statements materiality, audit of pension fund accounts, the significant financial statements risks, other areas of focus, statutory audit functions, audit fee, audit team, timetable and audit quality. Appendix 1 provided the key changes to ISA315 and the potential impact on the Council. |
ISA 260 Report - City and County of Swansea Pension Fund. PDF 751 KB Decision: Noted. Minutes: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy Section 151
Officer presented, on behalf of Audit Wales, the ISA 260 Audit of Accounts Report
– City and County of Swansea Pension Fund which summarised the main findings
from the audit of the 2022-23 accounts.
It was added that Audit Wales intended to issue an unqualified audit opinion on this year’s accounts once the Council had provided a Letter of Representation based on Appendix 1. The proposed Audit report was provided at Appendix 2. There were no misstatements identified in the accounts which remained uncorrected. It was explained that details of the misstatements corrected by Management were minor amendments of a presentational nature and had no impact on the net expenditure or net assets of the Pension Fund. There were no other significant issues arising. It was added that during the 2021-22 audit, Audit Wales identified one good practice issue which resulted in a recommendation being reported in the 2021-22 Audit of Accounts report. Audit Wales had followed up on the implementation of this recommendation and noted that it had been implemented as set out in Appendix 3. They had not identified any further recommendations for the Pension Fund during the course of the 2022-23 audit. The Chair praised Jeff Dong, Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy S151 Officer, Karen Cobb, Accounting and Investment Manager and Finance Department staff for all their work. |
City & County of Swansea Pension Fund Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2022/23. PDF 131 KB Additional documents: Decision: For Information. Minutes: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy Section 151
Officer provided a ‘for information’ report on the annual report &
statement of accounts for the City & County of Swansea Pension Fund
2022/23. It was outlined that the City & County of Swansea Pension Fund had always produced separate statement of accounts and annual report in respect of the financial year in question, which were subject to public audit. However in consultation with Audit Wales, it had been determined to consolidate both documents into one and streamline the production / audit process. It was added that Officers presented the draft Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2022/23 at the Local Pension Board in July 2023 and Appendix 1 provided the final version, which was the subject of the ISA 260 report with audit opinion and audit findings presented by Audit Wales. The staff within the Finance Department were thanked and congratulated for their work and commitment. |
Wales Pension Partnership (WPP) Annual Report 2022/23. PDF 129 KB Additional documents: Decision: For Information. Minutes: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy
S151 Officer presented a ‘for information’ report to update the Pension Fund
Committee on the progress and work of the Wales Pension Partnership (WPP). Appendix
1 provided the quarterly progress and update report provided by Wales Pension Partnership
host authority, Carmarthenshire Council and the WPP Business Plan Q1 2023-24
Review. |
Decision: For Information. Minutes: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy S151 Officer
presented a ‘for information’ report which presented any breaches which had
occurred in the period in accordance with the Reporting Breaches Policy. Appendix A provided the details of breaches that had
occurred since the previous Pension Fund Committee in October 2023. The details of the breaches and the actions
taken by Management were noted. |
Exclusion of the Public. PDF 125 KB Decision: Approved. Minutes: The Board was requested to exclude the public from the
meeting during consideration of the item(s) of business identified in the
recommendation(s) to the report on the grounds that it / they involved the likely
disclosure of exempt information as set out in the exclusion paragraph of
Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local
Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007 relevant to
the item(s) of business set out in the report. The Board considered the Public Interest Test in deciding
whether to exclude the public from the meeting for the items of business where
the Public Interest Test was relevant as set out in the report. Resolved that the
public be excluded for the following items of business. (Closed Session) |
Investment Strategy Implementation Update. Decision: For Information. Minutes: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer
/ Deputy S151 Officer presented a ‘for information’ report which provided an
update on the progress of the continuation of the asset re-allocation
(de-risking) programme from equities into yielding assets which were
contributory to net zero objectives. |
Wales Pension Partnership - Progress Update. Decision: For Information. Minutes: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy
S151 Officer presented a ‘for information’ report to update the Pension Fund
Committee on the progress and work of the Wales Pension Partnership (WPP). |
Quarterly Investment Monitoring Report. Decision: For Information. Minutes: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy S151 Officer presented a ‘for information’ report which provided the quarterly investment and market update to the fund. |
Investment Strategy Review. Decision: For Information. Minutes: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy S151 Officer presented ‘for information’ the City and County of Swansea Pension Fund 2023 Investment Strategy Review. |
Net Zero Journey Plan. Decision: For Information. Minutes: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy S151 Officer presented ‘for information’ the City and County of Swansea Pension Fund Net Zero Journey Plan. |
Investment Summary. Decision: For Information. Minutes: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer / Deputy S151
Officer presented a ‘for information’ report which presented the asset valuation and investment performance for
the quarter, year and 3 years ended 30 September 2023. |