Agenda and minutes

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions


No. Item


Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests.


In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea no interests were declared.


To Elect the Lord Mayor for the Municipal Year 2024-2025.


Resolved on the motion of Councillor L R Jones, seconded by Councillor B J Rowlands that Councillor P R Hood-Williams be elected to the office of Lord Mayor of the City and County of Swansea for the Municipal Year 2024-2025.


The Lord Mayor made and signed the declaration of acceptance of office.


Councillor P R Hood-Williams (Lord Mayor) Presiding


To Elect the Deputy Lord Mayor for the Municipal Year 2024-2025.


Resolved on the motion of Councillor M Tribe, seconded by Councillor K M Griffiths that Councillor E W Fitzgerald be elected to the office of Deputy Lord Mayor of the City and County of Swansea for the Municipal Year 2024-2025.


The Deputy Lord Mayor made and signed the declaration of acceptance of office.