Agenda and minutes

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions


No. Item


Election of Presiding Member for 2024-2025 Municipal Year.


The Head of Democratic Services asked for nominations.


A nomination for Councillor J P Curtice was proposed and seconded.


Resolved that Councillor J P Curtice be elected Presiding Member for the Municipal Year.


Councillor J P Curtice (Presiding Member) Presided


Election of Deputy Presiding Member for 2024-2025 Municipal Year.


The Presiding Member asked for nominations.


A nomination for Councillor S Pritchard was proposed and seconded.


Resolved that Councillor S Pritchard be elected Deputy Presiding Member for the Municipal Year.


Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests.


The Chief Legal Officer gave advice regarding the potential personal and prejudicial interests that Councillors and / Officers may have on the agenda.


The Head of Democratic Services reminded Councillors and Officers that the “Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests” sheet should only be completed if the Councillor / Officer had an interest to declare. Nil returns were not required. Councillors and Officers were also informed that any declarable interest must be made orally and in writing on the sheet.


In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea the following interests were declared:


1)       Councillors C Anderson, A Anthony, M Baker, P N Bentu, P M Black, J P Curtice, A M Day, P Downing, C R Doyle, M Durke, C M J Evans, V M Evans, E W Fitzgerald, R Francis-Davies, N Furlong, L S Gibbard, F M Gordon, K M Griffiths, H J Gwilliam, J A Hale, T J Hennegan, V A Holland, C A Holley, P R Hood-Williams, B Hopkins, D H Hopkins, L James, O G James, Y V Jardine, A J Jeffery, D H Jenkins, J W Jones, L R Jones, M H Jones, M Jones, S M Jones, S A Joy, S E Keeton, E J King, H Lawson, A S Lewis, M B Lewis, W G Lewis, P Lloyd, M W Locke, N L Matthews, P M Matthews, P N May, J D McGettrick, A J O’Connor, C L Philpott, J E Pritchard, S Pritchard, B J Rowlands, R V Smith, A H Stevens, R C Stewart, W G Thomas, M S Tribe, G D Walker, L V Walton and R A Williams declared a Personal Interest in Minute 9 “Constitutional Matters 2024-2025”.


Minutes. pdf icon PDF 182 KB

To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record.


Resolved that the following Minutes be approved and signed as a correct record:


1)       Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 21 March 2024.


Announcements of the Presiding Member/Chief Executive.


a)             Emrys Fogarty, Newborn Son of Councillor Rebecca Fogarty

The Presiding Member stated that she was delighted to announce the birth of Emrys Fogarty, newborn son of Councillor Rebecca Fogarty. Emrys was born on 13 May 2024. Councillor Rebecca Fogarty is the first serving Swansea Councillor to give birth.


b)             Carlo Rabaiotti - Community / Town Councillor Representative on the Standards Committee

The Presiding Member stated that Carlo Rabaiotti has recently resigned as a Gorseinon Town Councillor. This resignation automatically ends, his role as the Community / Town Councillors Representative on the Standards Committee. On behalf of the Authority, I would like to thank Carlo Rabaiotti for his work with the Standards Committee.


The Head of Democratic Services shall be bringing a report to our June 2024 Council meeting setting out the process to seek a replacement.


c)             Swansea Community Review 2023

The Presiding Member stated that the Local Democracy & Boundary Commission for Wales (LD&BCW) is undertaking a Community Review of the Swansea Principal Council area. The first stage of the review asked all interested parties to consider the current community boundaries and submit their views on any changes required to create communities that provide for effective and convenient local government.


Today, the Commission published its Draft Proposals. This is the start of an 8-week consultation period ending on 10 July 2024. The Commission welcomes any feedback on the Draft Proposals as well as alternative suggestions for consideration.


To take part in the consultation, send your views by email to


d)            Amendments / Corrections to the Council Summons

i)               Item 12 “Councillor Development Strategy”.

The Presiding Member stated that there was a typographical error on Page 111, Paragraph 3.3 of the Council Summons. The period should read “2022-2027”.


Names of Councillors that the Leader of the Council has chosen to be Members of the Cabinet. (For Information)


The Leader of the Council outlined to Council the names of those Councillors that he had chosen to be members of the Cabinet and their Cabinet Portfolios:


Councillors Name

Cabinet Portfolio

Rob C Stewart

Ø Leader of the Council

Ø Economy, Finance & Strategy

David Hopkins

Ø Joint Deputy Leader of the Council

ØCorporate Services & Performance

Andrea Lewis

Ø Joint Deputy Leader of the Council

ØService Transformation

Robert Smith

ØEducation & Learning

Louise Gibbard

ØCare Services

Andrew Stevens

ØEnvironment & Infrastructure

Robert Francis-Davies

ØInvestment, Regeneration, Events & Tourism

Alyson Anthony


Elliott King

ØCulture, Human Rights & Equalities

Cyril Anderson

Hayley Gwilliam




Constitutional Matters 2024-2025. pdf icon PDF 307 KB

Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer and Head of Democratic Services jointly submitted a report that informed Council of necessary Constitutional matters that needed to be attended to at the Annual Meeting of Council. Such matters would enable the efficient and lawful operation of Council.


Resolved that:


1)             The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’ determinations in relation to Basic, Civic and Senior Salaries, Fees for Co-opted Members and Contribution towards Costs of Care and Personal Assistance (CPA) as set out in Appendix A of the report be noted.


2)       A Senior Salary be paid to the following:

Ø    Leader of the Council.

Ø    Deputy Leader of the Council.

Ø    Cabinet Members x 8.

Ø    Presiding Member (Chair of Council).

Ø    Chair of General Licensing Committee.

Ø    Chair of Planning Committee.

Ø    Chair of Scrutiny Programme Committee.

Ø    Chair of Climate Change & Nature Recovery Service Transformation Committee.

Ø    Chair of Economy & Infrastructure Service Transformation Committee.

Ø    Chair of Education & Skills Service Transformation Committee.

Ø    Chair of Social Care & Tackling Poverty Service Transformation Committee.


3)       The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) determination that the Leader of the Largest Opposition Political Group must be paid a Band 4, Senior Salary (subject to the 10% rule) be noted.


4)       A Civic Salary be paid to the following (subject to them not already being in receipt of a Senior Salary):

Ø    Lord Mayor (Civic Head).

Ø    Deputy Lord Mayor (Deputy Civic Head).


5)       The posts of Presiding Member and Deputy Presiding Member be re-established and that they Chair Meetings of Council. The Deputy Presiding Member post is not remunerated.


6)       The Chair of the Pension Fund Committee be paid a salary equivalent to that of a Band 3 “Committee Chair” Senior Salary as defined by the IRPW; however, the additional payment over and above the Basic Salary be met by the Pension Fund.


7)       The Council Bodies and the Number of Allocated Seats as listed be appointed:










Appeals & Awards




Chief Executive’s Appraisal & Remuneration


Chief Officers Disciplinary


Chief Officers Disciplinary Appeals


Democratic Services


Family Absence Complaints


Climate Change & Nature Recovery Service Transformation


Economy & Infrastructure Service Transformation


Education & Skills Service Transformation


Social Care & Tackling Poverty Service Transformation


Joint Consultative Committee (JCC)


General Licensing


General Licensing Sub


Statutory Licensing


Governance & Audit


Statutory Licensing Sub


Pension Fund




Scrutiny Programme




West Glamorgan Archives


Panels, Forums, Groups etc.


Admissions Panel


Armed Forces Community Covenant Signatories Panel


Community / Town Councils Forum


Corporate Parenting Board


Constitution Working Group


Development Advisory Group (DAG)


Gower AONB Partnership Group


Sustainable Development Fund Panel


Sustainable Development Fund Appeal Panel


Local Pension Board


Standards Cttee Vacancy Panel


Trustees Panel



8)       The Committees listed in Appendix D of the report be exempted by Council from the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 to allow greater representation on these Committees by the Opposition Political Groups.


9)       Councillors be allocated to serve on Council Bodies in line with the nominations received from the Political Groups as outlined in Appendix 1 of these Minutes.


10)     The list of Member Champion Areas and Responsible Councillors as outlined in Appendix 2 of these Minutes be noted.


11)     The Council Constitution be reaffirmed and adopted including the amendments to the Terms of Reference of the Service Transformation Committees and any amendments made at this meeting.


12)     Councillor Lynda James be re-elected as Chair of the Democratic Services Committee.


13)     The Councillors Handbook be reaffirmed.


14)     The Leader of the Council’s decision to allocate Councillors to sit on Outside Bodies be noted as outlined in Appendix 3 of these Minutes be noted.


15)     The Council Bodies Diary as listed in Appendix G of the report be confirmed and adopted.


16)     Any consequential amendments to the Council Constitution and / or Councillors as a result of this report be carried out.


Naming Proposal. pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Investment, Regeneration, Events & Tourism submitted a report that sought consideration of a naming proposal for the new courtyard area adjacent to 71-72 Kingsway Offices, Swansea.


Huw Mowbray sadly passed way after a short period of illness in October 2023. Huw was the Council’s former Property Development Manager, his dedication, vision, and tireless efforts left an indelible mark on our city. In honouring Huw with the naming of "Mowbray’s Yard," it will be a tribute to his professional accomplishments but also recognise the genuine and lasting relationships he built within our community.


Resolved that the courtyard area adjacent to 71-72 Kingsway Offices, Swansea be named “Mowbray’s Yard”.


Gower AONB – Rebranding Proposals. pdf icon PDF 382 KB


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services & Performance submitted a report that sought approval for the Gower Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty to:

·                Adopt the name “Gower National Landscapes”.

·                Recommit Gower Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) to focusing on Nature Recovery and Inclusivity.


This is aimed to bring Gower into line with other Area’s of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and is part of a national approach to raise the profiles of AONBs.


Resolved that:


1)             The adoption of the proposed rebranding of Gower Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) be approved.


2)             The name “Gower National Landscape – an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty” be adopted.


3)             The Gower National Landscape recommits itself to Nature Recovery and Inclusion, in line with the original designation and purpose of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).


Service Transformation Committees (STCs) Annual Reports 2023/24. pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council submitted a report that presented the Annual Reports provided by each of the Service Transformation Committees for the municipal year 2023-2024. The Chair of each Committee also provided feedback on their work.


Resolved that:


1)             The progress made by each Service Transformation Committee in 2023-2024 be noted.


2)             In relation to the report by the Education & Skills Service Transformation Committee report, the consideration of future consultation on the specific proposals that will emerge from delivery of the transformation programme, which will be presented to Cabinet in future reports be endorsed.


Councillor Development Strategy. pdf icon PDF 136 KB


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report that sought the adoption of a Councillor Development Strategy to complement the Councillors Training Programme.


Resolved that the Councillor Development Strategy be approved.


Amendments to Council Constitution - Review of Council Procedure Rules 22, 23 & 24 relating to Councillors Questions. pdf icon PDF 199 KB


The Presiding Member, Monitoring Officer and Head of Democratic Services jointly submitted a report that informed Council of the amendments to simplify, improve and / or add to the Council Constitution.


The amendments related to Council Procedure Rules 22, 23 & 24 relating to Councillors Questions.


Resolved that:


1)             Council Procedure Rules 22, 23 & 24 of the Council Constitution be amended as outlined.


“22     Councillors Questions


1        A Councillor who wishes to ask a question must give notice of the text thereof in writing to the Proper Officer by Noon at least 17 clear working days before the date of the meeting of the Council at which the question is to be considered.


2        Subject to Council Procedure Rule 22 (1) above the questioner may ask the Leader of the Council or any Cabinet Member within their portfolio or the Chair of any Body one or more questions on matters within the purview of that Body.


3        All written Councillors Questions (Part A & B) shall receive a written response included in the relevant Council Summons.


4        Councillor Question Time will be dealt with in 2 parts, the first (Part A Questions) dealing with those questions on which Supplementary Questions may be asked and the second dealing with those Questions where Supplementary Questions shall not be asked (Part B Questions). These questions will henceforth be referred to as Part A and Part B Questions.


5        When submitting Questions, Councillors shall be required to make it clear whether their questions will be the subject of Supplementary Questions or not. If no such indication is given (or subsequently obtained 12.00 noon, 2 clear working days prior to the Council Summons being published) then they will be considered as Part B Questions.



a)       All relevant submitted written questions shall be answered.

b)       The Executive (Cabinet) / Presiding Member and Deputy Presiding Member shall not be allowed to ask Part A or Part B Councillor Questions or any related supplementary questions.


23           Supplementary Questions (Part A Questions)


1        A maximum of 12 Part A Councillor Questions be permitted. Part A questions to be split as follows:



Largest Opposition Group.

Currently Liberal Democrat & Independent Opposition Group (18 Councillors).


Ruling Group.

Currently Labour Group (45 Councillors).

Note: Cabinet Members, Presiding Member & Deputy Presiding Member are removed from the Proportional Representation calculations when calculating the allocation of any remaining Part A questions. The amended figure becomes 32 Councillors.


1 each per Remaining Political Groups.


Conservative Group (8 Councillors)


Uplands Group (4 Councillors).


Non-Aligned Councillors.

To be shared between any Non-Aligned Councillors.

Note: In the event of more than one Non-Aligned Councillor, the Head of Democratic Services shall draw lots to determine whose question goes forward.




The remaining x4 Part A questions be allocated on a proportional representation basis with the Cabinet Members, Presiding Member and Deputy Presiding Member being removed from the calculations. Currently, this would allow:

Labour x2, Liberal Democrat & Independent Opposition x1, Conservative x1.


Overall Breakdown of the 12 Part A questions being:

Ø    Labour x4.

Ø    Lib Dem & Ind Opposition x4.

Ø    Conservative x2.

Ø    Uplands x1.

Ø    Non-Aligned x1.

Note: Part A questions will be considered as follows. Political Groups are asked to list their questions in priority order:



Part A Question No.

Lib Dem & Ind Opposition

1, 6, 9, 11


2, 7, 10, 12


3, 8






2               Part A “Supplementary Questions” shall take no longer that 1-Minute (120 words approx.) to ask and the response shall not exceed 1-Minute. The Presiding Member shall have the discretion to extend the time.


3               Public Questions shall not be permitted in relation to Councillors Questions.


4               The first Supplementary Question on each Part A question will be invited from one of those Councillors listed as asking that question. All contributions shall be in the form of questions. Statements and speeches shall not be allowed.


5               Thereafter with the consent of the Presiding Member that Councillor or any other may ask further supplementary questions on the same matter. A maximum of 1 minute will be allowed for such supplementary questions. There shall be no debate on any answer given.


6               Supplementary Questions shall be put and answered without discussion, but the person to whom a question has been put may decline to answer in public session. They may also and in addition provide a written answer. Such written answers will be made available to all Councillors.


7               Part A “Supplementary Questions” will be considered within a 30-minute period. The Presiding Member shall have the discretion to extend this period.


24      Part B “Technical Questions & No Supplementary Questions”.


1               No Supplementary Questions shall be allowed to be asked under Part B Questions.


2               These questions & response be published in the Council Summons. If the response takes additional time to draft, the response may be provided at the following Ordinary Meeting of Council.


3               The Presiding Member in consultation with the Monitoring Officer, Section 151 Officer and relevant Director shall determine if the submitted question will take additional time to draft and determine which Council Meeting it will be presented at.”


2)             The changes shall take effect following the end of the June 2024 Council Meeting.


3)             The Constitution Working Group conduct a review of these amendments in 12 months time.


Amendments to Council Constitution - Family Absence Procedure Rules. pdf icon PDF 135 KB


The Presiding Member, Monitoring Officer and Head of Democratic Services jointly submitted a report that informed Council of the amendments to simplify, improve and / or add to the Council Constitution.


The report related to the adoption of the Family Absence Procedure Rules.


Resolved that:


1)             The Family Absence Procedure Rules be adopted and added to the Council Constitution subject to the following amendments:


i)               Add the following to Section 8 “Continuing Duties” of the Family Absence Procedure Rule:


“8.3    A Councillor entitled to a period of Family Absence shall automatically be granted dispensation in accordance with Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972, not to attend meetings for a further period of 3 months commencing with their Family Absence return date to ensure they are complaint with the Act. Note: Councillors shall only receive their Basic Salary during such an extended time beyond the Family Absence period.”


ii)              Add the following to Section 9 “Councillors Allowances” of the Family Absence Procedure Rule:


“9.2    Should a Councillor in receipt of a Civic Salary / Senior Salary be entitled to a period of Family Absence, then a Substitute Member shall be appointed to cover those responsibilities. The Substitute Member shall be eligible to be paid a Civic Salary / Senior Salary for the period of the Family Absence. Note: The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales must be notified should this occur.”


Amendments to the Constitution. pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Additional documents:


The Presiding Member, Monitoring Officer and Head of Democratic Services jointly submitted a report that informed Council of the amendments to simplify, improve and / or add to the Council Constitution.


The information report set out amendments made by the Deputy Monitoring Officer.


Common Seal.


Resolved that the Common Seal be affixed to any document necessary to carry into effect any resolution passed or confirmed at meetings during the previous municipal year.







Appendix 1


Committee Membership




Cyril Anderson

Mary H Jones

Alyson Anthony

Matthew Jones

Matthew Bailey

Susan M Jones

Mair Baker

Sandra A Joy

Sam Bennett

Sara E Keeton

Patience N Bentu

Elliott J King

Peter M Black

Erika T Kirchner

Jan P Curtice

Hannah Lawson

Adam Davis

Andrea S Lewis

A Mike Day

Mike B Lewis

Phil Downing

Richard D Lewis

C Ryland Doyle

Wendy G Lewis

Mike Durke

Paul Lloyd

Ceri R Evans

Michael W Locke

Chris M J Evans

Nicola L Matthews

V Mandy Evans

Penny M Matthews

E Wendy Fitzgerald

Peter N May

Rebecca A Fogarty

James D McGettrick

Robert Francis-Davies

Francesca D O’Brien

Nicola Furlong

Angela J O’Connor

Louise S Gibbard

David Phillips

Fiona M Gordon

Cheryl L Philpott

Kevin M Griffiths

Jess E Pritchard

Hayley J Gwilliam

Sam Pritchard

Joe A Hale

Stuart J Rice

Terry J Hennegan

Kelly M Roberts

Victoria A Holland

Brigitte J Rowlands

Chris A Holley

Robert V Smith

Paxton R Hood-Williams

Andrew H Stevens

Beverly Hopkins

Rob C Stewart

David H Hopkins

L Graham Thomas

Lynda James

Will G Thomas

Oliver G James

Mark S Tribe

Yvonne V Jardine

Gordon D Walker

Allan J Jeffery

Lesley V Walton

Dai H Jenkins

T Mike White

Jeff W Jones

R Andrew Williams

Lyndon R Jones







Labour Councillors: 4

Adam Davis

Joe A Hale

Jan P Curtice

Wendy G Lewis


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillor: 2

Jeff W Jones

Peter M Black


Conservative Councillor: 1

Richard D Lewis





Labour Councillors: 8 (7 permanent and 1 selected by the Leader)

Jan P Curtice

Mike B Lewis

Bev Hopkins

Robert V Smith

David H Hopkins

Rob C Stewart

Andrea S Lewis



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 3

E Wendy Fitzgerald

Mary H Jones

Chris A Holley



Conservative Councillors: 1

Lyndon R Jones



Uplands Councillors: -1




Green Councillor: +1

Chris M J Evans




Labour Councillors: 5

Adam Davies

Lesley V Walton

Mike B Lewis

T Mike White

Sam Pritchard



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 2

Jeff W Jones

Michael W Locke


Conservative Councillors: 1

Paxton R Hood-Williams



Uplands Councillors: 0






Labour Councillors: 5

Alyson Anthony

Andrea S Lewis

Louise S Gibbard

Rob C Stewart

David H Hopkins



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 2

Chris A Holley

E Wendy Fitzgerald


Conservative Councillor: 1

Lyndon R Jones



Uplands Councillor: 1

Peter N May




Labour Councillors: 7

Presiding Member

Dai H Jenkins

Phil Downing

Elliott J King

David H Hopkins

Mike B Lewis

Yvonne V Jardine

Wendy G Lewis


Liberal Democrat/Independent Councillors: 3

E Wendy Fitzgerald

Mary H Jones

Jeff W Jones



Conservative Councillors: 1

Paxton R Hood-Williams



Uplands Councillors: 1

Stuart J Rice




Labour Councillors:

Deputy Presiding Member

Rob C Stewart

Robert Francis-Davies

Lesley V Walton

Andrea S Lewis

T Mike White

Robert V Smith



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 3

Chris A Holley

L Graham Thomas

Susan M Jones


Conservative Councillors: 1

Will G Thomas


Uplands Councillors: -1



Green Councillor: +1

Chris M J Evans





Labour Councillors: 6

Mair Baker

Matthew Jones

Patience N Bentu

Sara E Keeton

Adam Davies

Wendy G Lewis


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 2

Lynda James

Kevin M Griffiths


Conservative Councillors: 1

Brigitte J Rowlands



Uplands Councillors: 1

Peter N May




Labour Councillors: 4

V Mandy Evans

Dai H Jenkins

David H Hopkins

Andrea S Lewis


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillor: 2

Chris A Holley

Susan M Jones


Conservative Councillor: 1

Francesca D O’Brien




Labour Councillors: 7

Mair Baker

Nicola L Matthews

Phil Downing

T Mike White

Mike B Lewis

R Andrew Williams

Paul Lloyd



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 3

Peter M Black

Mark Tribe

Mary H Jones



Conservative Councillor: 1

Richard D Lewis



Uplands Councillors: 1

Allan J Jeffery






Labour Councillors: 5

Oliver G James

Sam Pritchard

Dai H Jenkins

T Mike White

Sara E Keeton



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 2

Peter M Black

Mark S Tribe


Conservative Councillors: 1

Angela J O’Connor



Uplands Councillors: 1

Stuart J Rice






Labour Councillors: 6

Mair Baker

Oliver G James

Rebecca A Fogarty (Family Absence)

Matthew Jones (Substitute Member)

Hannah Lawson

Sara E Keeton

David Phillips


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 2




Conservative Councillors: 1

Angela J O’Connor


Uplands Councillors: 1

Stuart J Rice






Labour Councillors: 6

Phil Downing

Paul Lloyd

C Ryland Doyle

Nicola L Matthews

Wendy G Lewis

T Mike White


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 2




Conservative Councillors: 1

Will G Thomas


Uplands Councillors: 1

Stuart J Rice






Labour Councillors: 6

Mike Durke

Yvonne V Jardine

Fiona M Gordon

Sam Pritchard

Beverly Hopkins

T Mike White


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 2




Conservative Councillors: 1

Lyndon R Jones



Uplands Councillors: 1

Sandra A Joy





Labour Councillors: 6


Mair Baker

V Mandy Evans

Patience N Bentu

Yvonne V Jardine

Ceri R Evans

Jess E Pritchard


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 2




Conservative Councillors: 1

Angela J O’Connor



Uplands Councillors: 1

Allan J Jeffrey





Labour Councillors: 4

Patience N Bentu

Phil Downing

Jan P Curtice

Mike B Lewis


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillor: 1

Michael W Locke



Conservative Councillor: 1

Will G Thomas






Labour Councillors: 2

Oliver G James

Mike B Lewis


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 1

L Graham Thomas





Labour Councillors: 6

Adam Davis

Wendy G Lewis

Victoria A Holland

Sam Pritchard

Matthew Jones

T Mike White


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 2

Peter M Black

E Wendy Fitzgerald


Conservative Councillors: 1

Francesca D O’Brien



Uplands Councillors: 1

Peter N May





Labour Councillors: 7

Jan P Curtice

Paul Lloyd

Phil Downing

Penny M Matthews

Victoria A Holland

Lesley V Walton

Yvonne V Jardine



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 3

Nicola Furlong

Cheryl L Philpott

Michael W Locke



Conservative Councillors: 1

Brigitte J Rowlands



Uplands Councillors: 1

Sandra A Joy





Note – 3 Councillors called on a rota basis.


Labour Councillors: 7

Jan P Curtice

Paul Lloyd

Phil Downing

Penny M Matthews

Victoria A Holland

Lesley V Walton

Yvonne V Jardine



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 3

Nicola Furlong

Cheryl L Philpott

Michael W Locke



Conservative Councillors: 1

Brigitte J Rowlands



Uplands Councillors: 1

Sandra A Joy




Labour Councillors: 7

Jan P Curtice

Paul Lloyd

Phil Downing

Penny M Matthews

Victoria A Holland

Lesley V Walton

Yvonne V Jardine



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 3

Nicola Furlong

Cheryl L Philpott

Michael W Locke



Conservative Councillors: 1

Brigitte J Rowlands



Uplands Councillors: 1

Sandra A Joy





Note – 3 Councillors called on a rota basis.


Labour Councillors: 7

Jan P Curtice

Paul Lloyd

Phil Downing

Penny M Matthews

Victoria A Holland

Lesley V Walton

Yvonne V Jardine



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 3

Nicola Furlong

Cheryl L Philpott

Michael W Locke



Conservative Councillors: 1

Brigitte J Rowlands



Uplands Councillors: 1

Sandra A Joy





Labour Councillors: 3

Elliott J King

Robert V Smith

Jess E Pritchard



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillor: 1

Peter M Black



Conservative Councillor:1

Lyndon R Jones





Labour Councillors: 2

Jan P Curtice

Robert V Smith


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillor: 1

A Mike Day






Labour Councillors: 2

Wendy G Lewis

Elliott J King





Labour Councillors: 4

Sara E Keeton

Paul Lloyd

Nicola L Matthews

Andrew H Stevens


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillor: 1

Lynda James



Conservative Councillor: 1

Paxton R Hood-Williams






Labour Councillors: 3

Sara E Keeton

Andrew H Stevens

Paul Lloyd



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillor: 1

Lynda James






Labour Councillor: 1

David H Hopkins





Labour Councillor: 1

C Ryland Doyle




Labour Councillors: 2

Andrea S Lewis

Mike B Lewis


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillor: 1

Mary H Jones






Labour Councillors: 7

Alyson Anthony

Mike B Lewis

Yvonne V Jardine

Wendy G Lewis

Hannah Lawson

Lesley V Walton

Andrea S Lewis



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 3

Nicola Furlong

Susan M Jones

Chris A Holley



Conservative Councillors: 1

Brigitte J Rowlands



Uplands Councillor: 1

Allan J Jeffrey



Green Councillor: 1

Chris M J Evans





Labour Councillors: 5

Group Leader

Presiding Member of Council

Deputy Group Leader

Deputy Presiding Member of Council

1 Cabinet Member (David H Hopkins)



Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors: 2

Group Leader

Mary H Jones


Conservative Councillor: 1

Group Leader



Uplands Councillor: 1

Group Leader







Labour Councillors: 4

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services & Performance

Phil Downing

Jan P Curtice

Nicola L Matthews


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillors:

Lynda James



Conservative Councillor: 1

Will G Thomas





Labour Councillors: 6

Alyson Anthony

Hayley J Gwilliam 

V Mandy Evans

Wendy G Lewis

Louise S Gibbard

Robert V Smith


Liberal Democrats/Independent Councillor: 1

Susan M Jones



Conservative Councillor: 1

Angela J O’Connor



Uplands Councillor: 1

Sandra A Joy





Labour Councillors: 5

Robert Francis-Davies

Andrea S Lewis

David H Hopkins

Rob C Stewart

Climate Change & Nature Recovery Chair




Appendix 2


Councillor (Member) Champion Areas & Responsible Councillors


Councillor (Member) Champion Area


Anti-Slavery & Ethical Employment

David Hopkins

Armed Forces

Wendy Lewis


Sara Keeton


Jan Curtice

Children & Family Services

Louise Gibbard

Climate Change

Andrea Lewis

Councillor Support & Development

Wendy Lewis

Co Production

Hayley Gwilliam

Culture & the Arts

Hannah Lawson


Joe Hale


Hayley Gwilliam

Disability & Access to Services

Paul Lloyd


Lesley Walton

Domestic Abuse

Erika Kirchner

Health & Wellbeing

Alyson Anthony

Healthy Cities & Sport

Hayley Gwilliam


Mike White

Human Rights

Elliott King

Language (Inc. Welsh)

Robert Smith

LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender)

Elliott King

Life Long Learning

Mike Durke

Looked After Children

Ceri Evans

Natural Environment

Sara Keeton


Louise Gibbard

Poverty Reduction

Rob Stewart

Public Transport

Paul Lloyd

Religion, Faith & Beliefs

Sam Pritchard

Rural Economy

Andrew Stevens


Louise Gibbard

Sanctuary & Inclusion

Yvonne Jardine

Tackling Racism in Schools

Yvonne Jardine

Green Transport

Rebecca Fogarty

UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child)

Bev Hopkins

Vulnerable & Older People

Jan Curtice


Ryland Doyle


Louise Gibbard

Young Carers

Sam Pritchard



Appendix 3


Leader of Council’s Allocation of Councillors to Sit on Outside Bodies

Annual Council – 16 May 2024


Active Travel Stakeholder Group

Joe Hale



Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE)

Andrea Lewis



Books Council of Wales

Elliott King



Cambrian Educational Foundation for Deaf Children

Alyson Anthony



EOTAS (Education Other Than At School) Steering Group

Robert Smith



Fostering Panel (Friends and Family)

Louise Gibbard & Hayley Gwilliam



Fostering Panel (Foster Swansea)

Louise Gibbard & Hayley Gwilliam



Gower College Swansea

Sam Pritchard


Robert Smith



Inter Authority Agreement for Food Waste

Mandy Evans


Andrew Stevens



Joint Council of Wales (South Wales Provincial Council)

Rob Stewart


David Hopkins



Local Government Association (LGA) Executive

Rob Stewart


Robert Francis-Davies


Andrea Lewis


David Hopkins



Mid and West Wales Fire Authority

Patience Bentu


Sam Bennett


Victoria Holland


Lyndon Jones

Sam Pritchard


Gordon Walker


Andrew Williams


Ministerial Advisory Forum for Ageing

Hayley Gwilliam


National Association of British Market Authorities

David Hopkins



National Waterfront Museum (Swansea) Ltd

Hannah Lawson


Robert Francis-Davies

Elliott King



National Adoption Service & Foster Wales Joint Committee

Louise Gibbard


Oystermouth Castle Management Board

Rebecca Fogarty/

Sara Keeton(substitute)




Robert Smith


Rob Stewart

Partneriaeth – Joint Scrutiny Councillor Group

Chair of Education Scrutiny Panel

Chair of Scrutiny Cttee


PATROL (Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London) Joint Cttee

Andrew Stevens

PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) Management Board

Robert Smith



Regeneration Swansea Partnership

Rob Stewart


Robert Francis-Davies

David Hopkins



South Wales Police and Crime Panel

Hannah Lawson


Mark Tribe


South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee (CJC)


South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee (CJC) – Gov & Audit Cttee

Chair of Governance & Audit Cttee


1 Non Executive Labour Member – Jess Pritchard

1 Non Executive Lib Dem/Ind Member – Jeff Jones



South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee (CJC) – Scrutiny Cttee

2 Non Executive Labour Members –

Matthew Jones

Wendy Lewis


1 Non Executive Lib Dem/Ind Member – Peter Black


South West Wales Regional Waste Management Committee

Cyril Anderson

Andrew Stevens


Mike White



Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education

Yvonne Jardine


Jess Pritchard


Sam Pritchard


Mike Day

Lyndon Jones



Suresprung Board of Trustees

Jan Curtice


Ryland Doyle


Louise Gibbard


Alyson Anthony

Swansea Bay City Region Joint Committee

Rob Stewart


Swansea Bay City Region Joint Scrutiny Cttee

Jan Curtice


Victoria Holland

Chris Holley



Swansea Bay Port Health Authority

Joe Hale


David Hopkins


Robert Smith


Mike White

Paul Lloyd


Mike Lewis


Mark Tribe


Gordon Walker


Lyndon Jones


Allan Jeffrey


Swansea Business Improvements Ltd (BID)

Robert Francis-Davies


Rob Stewart


Swansea Community Energy & Enterprise Scheme (SCEES)

Andrea Lewis

Swansea Council for Voluntary Service

Jan Curtice


Hayley Gwilliam

Alyson Anthony


Swansea Environment Centre

Sara Keeton

Climate Change Champion (Andrea Lewis)


Swansea PSB (Public Services Board)

Rob Stewart


Andrea Lewis

Swansea PSB (Public Services Board) Partnership Forum

Andrea Lewis


Louise Gibbard

Erika Kirchner


David Hopkins


Rob Stewart

Hayley J Gwilliam


Alyson Anthony


Robert Smith


Swansea St Mary's Choral Trust

Sam Pritchard


University of Swansea Court

Robert Francis-Davies




Vision in Wales (Wales Council for the Blind)

Louise Gibbard



Wales National Pool (Swansea) Ltd

Robert Francis-Davies


Nicola L Matthews


Robert Smith

Wales Strategic Migration Partnership

Sanctuary & Inclusion Member Champion (Yvonne Jardine)

WLGA (Welsh Local Government Association) Council

Louise Gibbard


Robert Francis-Davies


David Hopkins

Andrea Lewis


Rob Stewart

WLGA (Welsh Local Government Association) Executive Board

Rob Stewart


Welsh Centre for Action on Dependency and Addiction

Alyson Anthony


Erika Kirchner


West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board

Rob Stewart

Louise Gibbard


Alyson Anthony

Western Bay Regional Adoption Service Committee

Louise Gibbard