Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Lilian Hopkin Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - Tel: (01792) 636923
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. Minutes: In accordance with the Code
of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea, the following interests
were declared: 1)
R V Smith declared a personal & prejudicial Interest in Minute 18 “Local
Authority Governor Appointments” and withdrew from the meeting prior to
its consideration. 2)
Councillors D H
Hopkins declared a personal & prejudicial interest in Minute 18 “Local
Authority Governor Appointments” and withdrew from the meeting prior to its
consideration. |
To approve & sign the
Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record. Minutes: Resolved
that the Minutes of the meeting(s) listed below be approved and signed as a
correct record: 1)
Cabinet held on
20 June 2024. |
Announcements of the Leader of the Council. Minutes: The Leader of Council made no announcements. |
Public Question Time. Questions can be submitted in writing to Democratic Services up until noon on the working day prior to the meeting. Written questions take precedence. Public may attend and ask questions in person if time allows. Questions must relate to items on the open part of the agenda and will be dealt within a 10 minute period. Minutes: No questions were asked. |
Councillors' Question Time. Minutes: Councillor
C A Holley asked questions in relation to Minute 23 ‘Financial
Procedure Rule 7 - Capital Projects, Traffic Management, ULEVTF, Road Safety, Capital
and Revenue Grants 2024/25’, Minute 24 ‘Capital Programme Authorisation for the
Commitment of Funding to Support the Development and Completion of the
Remaining Works Required at Schools to Support the Roll Out of UFSM to All
Primary Pupils’ and Minute 25 ‘Proposed New Model for Specialist Teaching
Facilities (STFs) Across Swansea’. The
Leader of the Council responded. Note:
Councillor C A Holley indicated he would write to the Cabinet Member relating
to Minute 23 ‘Financial Procedure Rule 7 - Capital
Projects, Traffic Management, ULEVTF, Road Safety, Capital and Revenue Grants
2024/25’ to request the holding of a Member briefing session on the matter. |
Local Authority Governor Appointments. PDF 126 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Local Authority Governors Appointment Group submitted a
report, which sought approval of the nominations submitted to fill Local
Authority (LA) Governor vacancies on School Governing Bodies. Resolved that: 1)
The following nominations recommended by the Director of Education in
conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Education & Learning be approved:
Capital Outturn and Financing 2023/2024. PDF 194 KB Minutes: The Director of Finance / Section 151 Officer submitted a
report which detailed capital outturn
and financing for the year ended 31 March 2024. Resolved that: 1) The net under spend of the increased capital budget of £39.362m be approved and carried forward to 2024/2025. |
Revenue Financial Outturn 2023/2024. PDF 230 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Finance / Section 151 Officer submitted a report on the detailed revenue financial outturn for 2023/24. The Leader of Council outlined the following additional areas of expenditure to be funded from the underspend detailed in the report:
The Director of Finance / S151 Officer advised
various routes for progressing these matters in the current year accordingly
following due processes under Financial Procedure Rules. Resolved that: 1) The comments and variations in the report be noted and the proposed reserve transfers detailed in Section 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 be approved. |
Revenue Outturn 2023/24 – Housing Revenue Account (HRA). PDF 147 KB Minutes: The Director of Finance / Section 151 Officer submitted a report which detailed the City and County of Swansea’s HRA outturn compared with the approved revenue budget for 2023/24. Resolved that: 1)
comments and variations in the report be noted, and the proposed reserve
transfers of £5.890m detailed in Section 2.1 be approved. |
Guildhall Illumination Policy. PDF 147 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Culture, Human Rights & Equalities submitted a report to inform discussion and sought approval from Cabinet as to the adoption of a formal Guildhall Illumination Policy. Resolved that: 1) The Policy be approved. 2) Delegated authority be granted to the Cabinet Member, to make decisions, in consultation with the sub-group, on any matter relating to the implementation of the Policy including the approval of all applications made under the Policy. The Cabinet Member may authorise an officer of his choosing to exercise the delegated responsibility on his behalf, in consultation with the members of the sub-group. 3) In relation to urgent requests approval be granted to the Cabinet Member who may act unilaterally or may authorise an officer to act unilaterally in his absence. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Environment & Infrastructure and the Cabinet Member for Service Transformation jointly submitted a report to approve the funding for Local Transport Fund (LTF), Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Transformation Fund (ULEVTF), Active Travel Fund (ATF), Road Safety Capital & Revenue, and 20MPH Fund; and seek delegated authority to Director and Cabinet Member for expenditure on the associated projects in 2024/25 detailed in the grant award letter and to comply with Financial Procedure Rule No. 7 (Capital Programming and Appraisals): to commit and authorise schemes in the Capital Programme. Resolved that: 1) Receipt of the grant funding be approved and delegated authority be granted to the Director of Finance in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Infrastructure, the Cabinet Member for Service Transformation and the Director of Place to accept grant funding awarded for the LTF, ULEVTF, ATF, Road Safety Capital & Revenue, and 20MPH Fund schemes. 2) The above schemes be approved and added to the Council’s capital programme in line with FPR7. |
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Education & Learning submitted a
report to comply with Financial Procedure Rule No 7(Capital Programming and
Appraisals) to commit and authorise the sum of £2,448,507 for the upgrade of school meal infrastructure to the capital
programme. Resolved that: 1)
The capital grant award for the upgrade of
school meal infrastructure in the sum of £2,448,507 be approved and included in
the capital programme, resulting in a total commitment of £4,331,993. |
Proposed New Model for Specialist Teaching Facilities (STFs) Across Swansea. PDF 150 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Education & Learning submitted a report that sought approval to consult on the redesignation of 25 STFs, change of specialism in 3 STFs, the opening of 5 new STFs, the expansion of 4 STFs and the closure of 5 STFs in schools in Swansea with a phased implementation commencing in September 2025. Resolved that: 1) Approval is given to consult on: - the redesignation of 25 STFs - the change of specialism of 3 STFs - the opening of 5 new STFs - the expansion of 4 STFs - the closure of 5 STFs in schools in Swansea with a phased implementation commencing in September 2025. 2) Cabinet considers any responses following the consultation. |
Draft Waste Strategy 2025-2030. PDF 124 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Community (Services) submitted a report which sought the approval of Cabinet to seek residents’ views on Swansea’s Draft Waste Strategy 2025-2030 through a public consultation process. Resolved that: 1) A public consultation exercise be approved to seek residents’ views on Swansea’s Draft Waste Strategy 2025-2030 and the documents attached at Appendix A and B be approved. |
Exclusion of the Public. PDF 115 KB Minutes: Cabinet
were requested to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of
the item(s) of business identified in the recommendations to the report(s) on
the grounds that it / they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information
as set out in the exclusion paragraph of Schedule 12A of the Local Government
Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information)
(Variation) (Wales) Order 2007 relevant to the items of business set out in the
report(s). Cabinet considered the
Public Interest Test in deciding whether to exclude the public from the meeting
for the item of business where the Public Interest Test was relevant as set out
in the report. Resolved that the public be
excluded for the following item(s) of business. (Closed Session) |
Councillors' Question Time. Minutes: Councillor C A
Holley asked questions in relation to Minute 29 ‘Swansea Central Phase 1 Land
Disposal’ and Minute 30 ‘Swansea Central and City Waterfront Update and
Progression’. The Leader of the
Council and Chief Executive responded. |
Swansea Central Phase 1 Land Disposal. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Investment, Regeneration, Events and Tourism submitted a report that sought approval for the disposal of land within Swansea Central Phase 1 Copr Bay development to enable construction of a new Hotel Development and sought budget authorisation to add the project to Capital Programme in line with Financial Procedure Rules (FPR7). Resolved that the recommendations outlined in the report be approved. |
Swansea Central and City Waterfront Update and Progression. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Investment, Regeneration, Events and
Tourism submitted a report which provided an update on proposals for Swansea
Central and the City Waterfront; sought approval for the delivery approaches
outlined in the report; to commit the requested budgets in accordance with
Financial Procedure Rule 7; and delegate requisite authority to the Director of
Place, Chief Legal Officer, Director of Finance and Cabinet Member for
Investment, Regeneration, Events, and Tourism to progress the schemes. Resolved that the recommendations outlined in the report be approved. |