Issue - meetings

Swansea Market - Revised FPR7 and BEP grant award, and contract award.

Meeting: 01/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 33)

Swansea Market Building Enhancement Programme (BEP). Grant Award, Revised FPR7 and Contract Award.


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, on behalf of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, presented a report which sought to award a BEP grant towards the revised FPR7 to amend the budget with the Capital Programme and to award a contact for works.




That the recommendations as outlined in the report be approved.


Policy Framework


City Centre Strategic Framework.


Reason for Decision


To comply with Financial Procedure Rule No.7 (Capital Programming and Appraisals) - to commit and authorise schemes as per the Capital Programme or to include new schemes in the Capital Programme.


To comply with Contract Procedure Rule 13.12 where the award decision should be considered by Cabinet for further scrutiny.



Legal, Finance, Corporate Building and Property.