Alyson Anthony

Profile image for Alyson Anthony

Party: Labour & Cooperative Party

Electoral Ward: Llansamlet

Other councillors representing this Electoral Ward:

Surgery details

Llansamlet Electoral Division Surgeries will be held -
1st Friday of the Month - Trallwn Community Centre, 5pm - 6pm
2nd Friday of the Month - Birchgrove Community Centre 5pm - 6pm
3rd Friday of the Month - Glais Community Centre 5pm - 6pm

No appointment necessary.

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
c/o Democratic Services

Phone:  01792 791988

Mobile:  07988 666179


Download Alyson Anthony contact details as VCard


Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 08/05/2017 -

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

I am a nurse and health visitor with 30 years experience.  Having worked in the community for the majority of my career I feel I understand what is needed by people.  At a basic level we all want good and easy access to health, education, transport, housing and recreational activities.  I am ready to work within the community on both issues that affect the individual person or the wider community.


Councillor Pledge on Standards


Councillor’s Declaration of Acceptance of the Authority’s Local Dispute Resolution


Ward Profiles are available to download bringing together a range of key statistical and other information about each of the 32 Electoral Divisions or Wards in Swansea.

