Your Councillors by Party

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Local Councillors are elected by the community during a Local Government Election to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the ward in which they have been elected to serve a term of office. They have regular contact with the general public through council meetings, telephone calls or surgeries.

Councillors are entitled to different types of salaries, allowances and expenses dependent on the roles and responsibilities they have. More information regarding Councillors salaries and allowances is available in the Councillors Handbook and the Annual Schedules of Remuneration. Details of Councillors allowances and expenses are published for previous financial years

Councillors are able to claim a travelling allowance for approved duties should they wish too. This can cover travel expenses (including use of a private car) and subsistence whilst on Council business. Claim forms are submitted monthly when expenses have been incurred. In any month expenses can be claimed for the previous three months.

Councillors are also entitled to claim an ICT allowance should they wish to.

Councillors are required to register any personal or financial interests they might have as per the 'Code of Conduct'. These can be viewed by selection a Councillors individual page.

The Local Authority is required to ensure that Councillors are able to make an Annual Report for their Council activities during the previous year. It is a matter for Councillors whether they chose to take up the opportunity to produce Annual Reports. These will be made available in the library facility.

To find your councillor please use the below links:


 Liberal Democrats




 Labour & Cooperative Party

 Green Party
