Manylion y mater

Newidiadau i Bolisi Parcio Preswylwyr

This report includes an overview of the Residents Parking Scheme and how it currently operates. The report also sets out recommendations to the existing policy that seek to make the scheme more operationally efficient.

Math o fusnes: Key

Statws: Argymhellion wedi'u Cymeradwyo

Hysbysiad o benderfyniad arfaethedig wedi’i gyhoeddi gyntaf: 21/06/2019

Angen Penderfyniad: 18 Gorff 2019 Yn ôl Y Cabinet

Prif Aelod: Aelod y Cabinet - Yr Amgylchedd ac Isadeiledd

Prif Gyfarwyddwr: Pennaeth Gwasanaeth - Priffyrdd a Chludiant

Cyswllt: Richard Mears E-bost:

Eitemau agenda