Cabinet Member Decisions

Delegated Decisions are decisions taken by Cabinet Portfolio holders in accordance with the scheme of Delegation. Unless exempt, decisions are not final until the end of the call in period and there have been no challenges.

Use the search options below to find information regarding delegated decisions made by the Council’s Cabinet Members (referred to here as Executive Members).

Alternatively you can visit the Officer Decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Award of Contract for The Collection/Sale of Mixed Paper/Card/Cardboard for Reprocessing ref: 54618/10/202116/11/2021Call-in expired
To confirm funding and seek approval for expenditure on a proposed Active Travel Scheme on the proposed Integrated Network Link - Morfa Road Bus Enhancements and Lower Tawe Riverside West (from Cole Close off New Cut Road to White Rock Bridge). ref: 52801/11/202110/11/2021Call-in expired
White Rock Bridge Painting Works ref: 47719/10/202126/10/2021Call-in expired
Award of Contract for The Palace Theatre Main Refurbishment Works ref: 46009/09/202109/09/2021Not for call-in
Approval of capital expenditure for the purchase of two electric compact roadsweepers ref: 43929/09/202113/10/2021Call-in expired
Framework Agreement for the Execution of Road Markings ref: 43806/10/202113/10/2021Call-in expired
Approval of capital expenditure for the purchase of one electric Refuse Collection Vehicle ref: 43729/09/202113/10/2021Call-in expired
Approval of capital expenditure for the purchase of one Multihog Road Maintenance Machine ref: 43628/09/202113/10/2021Call-in expired
Additional Capital Allocation to Highways Morfa Culvert. ref: 39401/10/202109/10/2021Call-in expired
Award of Contract for Specialist Resource to deliver Cloud Implementation Programme ref: 39318/09/202102/10/2021Call-in expired
To seek authority to progress with the replacement of the All-weather surface at the Phoenix Centre, Townhill ref: 37916/09/202116/09/2021Not for call-in
Award of Framework Agreement for Electrical works ref: 32728/06/202128/07/2021Call-in expired
Approval of Capital Expenditure on the Proposed Vehicle Replacement Programme for Highways and Transportation for 2021/22. ref: 31122/06/202122/06/2021Not for call-in
Award of Contract for the Increasing of the Provision and Accessibility of Play and Leisure Opportunities for Children and Young People with an Additional Learning Need/s or Disability ref: 19920/05/202109/06/2021Call-in expired
Award of Contract for Microsoft Licence 2021-24. ref: 19227/05/202127/05/2021Not for call-in
Award of Contract for The Design and Build of 71 and 72 The Kingsway. ref: 19111/05/202111/05/2021Not for call-in
Resurface of Hockey Surface at Sketty Lane Sport Village ref: 17407/05/202107/05/2021Not for call-in
To approve the Digital Democracy Project and to commit and authorise this project to the capital programme in accordance with Financial Procedure Rule 7.3. ref: 17329/03/202129/03/2021Not for call-in
Award of Contract for the Provision of a West Glamorgan Advocacy Service for Children and Young People ref: 17124/02/202113/03/2021Call-in expired
To seek approval to receive the Welsh Government Green Recovery Grant. ref: 17002/03/202102/03/2021Not for call-in
Award of Contract for the Provision of Family Centres in Swansea ref: 16922/01/202116/02/2021Call-in expired
Capital Programme Authorisation for Improvement works at Arfryn PRU. ref: 16815/01/202115/01/2021Not for call-in
Authorisation for a Minor Internal and External Remodelling Scheme at Sketty Primary School. ref: 16713/01/202116/01/2021Call-in expired