Cabinet Member Decisions

Delegated Decisions are decisions taken by Cabinet Portfolio holders in accordance with the scheme of Delegation. Unless exempt, decisions are not final until the end of the call in period and there have been no challenges.

Use the search options below to find information regarding delegated decisions made by the Council’s Cabinet Members (referred to here as Executive Members).

Alternatively you can visit the Officer Decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.


27/09/2024 - Award of Framework Agreement for The Execution of Flooring Works (Supply and Fit) - LOT's 1 - 4 ref: 2614    Recommendations Approved

Decision taken under delegated authority under the Councils Constitution.


The recommendation is in accordance with the outcome of a fully compliant procurement process and is considered to offer the Council the most economically advantageous tender. Taking into account risk and reward it is judged to offer the best value for money for the Council.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Service Transformation (Deputy Leader)

Decision published: 03/10/2024

Effective from: 09/10/2024



1.      The commencement of the Framework is 01/09/2024 - 01/09/2026 with the option to extend for up to 24 months.

2.      That the following are appointed to the Framework Agreement:

1.   Carpets N Carpet Ltd (Lot 1)

2.   Cleanmeclean ltd (Lot 4)

3.   County contracts flooring limited (Lot 1, 2, 3 & 4)

4.   Fox Flooring (Lot 1 & Lot 4)

5.   GF Gower Ltd (Lot 1,2,3 & Lot 4)

6.   Glamorgan Services Ltd (Lot 1,2 & Lot 3)

7.   KSC Carpets (Lot 4)


Lead officer: Gareth Reeves

28/09/2024 - Award of Contract for External Insulation Cladding & Render System, Reroofing & Window and Door Renewal and Renewables at 34 Properties at Heol Hadfy, Lon Tyrhaul and Trallwn Road ref: 2613    Recommendations Approved

Decision taken under delegated authority under the Councils Constitution.


The recommendation is in accordance with the outcome of a fully compliant procurement process and is considered to offer the Council the most economically advantageous tender. Taking into account risk and reward it is judged to offer the best value for money for the Council.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Service Transformation (Deputy Leader)

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 08/10/2024



1.      That a contract is awarded to SERS Energy Solution Group

2.      The commencement of contract on  28/10/2024 - 06/10/2025

Lead officer: Darren Chambers, Andrew Jackett

27/09/2024 - Award of Contract for Call-off Contract from the Environmental Facilities Framework - Scheme 3 Fforesthall ref: 2612    Recommendations Approved

Decision taken under delegated authority under the Councils Constitution.


The recommendation is in accordance with the outcome of a fully compliant procurement process and is considered to offer the Council the most economically advantageous tender. Taking into account risk and reward it is judged to offer the best value for money for the Council.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Service Transformation (Deputy Leader)

Decision published: 02/10/2024

Effective from: 08/10/2024



1.     That a contract is awarded to  R & M Williams Ltd

2.     The commencement of contract on 14/10/2024 – 28/03/25

Lead officer: Andrew Buller

20/09/2024 - Former Debenhams Store, Swansea. ref: 2579    Recommendations Approved

The redevelopment & subdivision of the vacant unit, refurbishment of the structure & external elevations & letting to a mix of retail & leisure operators to drive footfall & support the regeneration of the city centre in line with Council policies.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Investment, Regeneration, Events & Tourism

Decision published: 23/09/2024

Effective from: 20/09/2024



Lead officer: Jonathan Hicks