Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Lilian Hopkin Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services - (01792) 636923 


No. Item


Disclosures of Personal & Prejudicial Interests.




In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City & County of Swansea, no interests were declared.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 109 KB

To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record.




Resolved that the Minutes of the Social Care & Tackling Poverty Service Transformation Committee held on 22 July 2024 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Update on Refresh of the Council's Tackling Poverty Strategy (For information). pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Additional documents:


For information.


The Tackling Poverty Service Manager presented a “For Information” report to update the Committee on the progress being made towards refreshing the Council’s Tackling Poverty Strategy.


He explained that they had been working on the refresh for approximately a year by:


·                Conducting a public survey in August/September 2023 which received over 300 responses from individuals and organisations across Swansea;

·                Face-to-face engagement sessions including the One Stop Information Shop at the National Waterfront Museum and two public drop-in sessions at the Opportunities Hub in the Quadrant Shopping Centre;

·                Analysis of various policies, strategies, studies and research findings that have been co-produced with people who have experienced policy from organisations such as Joseph Rowntree Foundation;

·                Engaging with the Council’s internal and external poverty forums to connect with teams and organisations who have direct contact with people who have experienced poverty.


The Tackling Poverty Development team had taken the lead on collating, analysing and exploring these insights and data sources to create a draft Tackling Poverty Strategy that was suitable for wider engagement and consultation, which would include:


·                Further face-to-face engagement sessions with the general public and our key partnerships and forums;

·                Quality review with colleagues from Council departments who are involved in tackling poverty, coordinated via the Enabling Communities Group and Swansea Council Poverty Forum;

·                Direct engagement with the Swansea Poverty Truth Commission (SPTC) and other existing clients and contacts with lived experience of poverty;

·                Public consultation – schedule to be confirmed by due by the end of the calendar year – to capture feedback from the general public.


Feedback indicated that the definition of poverty within the current strategy was not fit for purpose and following review of various existing definitions of poverty, the following was developed: “In Swansea, we will define poverty as meaning that you cannot afford all the basic essentials and opportunities, which negatively impacts your life.”


The following 3 key aims would be utilised to develop a vision for poverty in Swansea:


·                Earlier help - people can access the right advice, guidance, support and help at the right time – based on their needs – before their needs escalate or worsen;

·                Better outcomes - communities, organisations and people with lived experience of poverty play a vital role in helping others to break free from poverty in a safe and sustainable way, to reach their potential and achieve their ‘best life’;

·                Less poverty - there is less poverty in Swansea because everyone is working together to support people and communities;


The Tackling Poverty Service Manager explained how the draft document would be co-ordinated through a Tackling Poverty Action Plan which would ensure that actions were co-produced with people who had lived experiences of poverty.  To start the process, eight priorities for change had been identified that would constitute the initial programme of transformational action.


Next steps included:


·               September – Engagement and Co-production (internal and external).

·               October and November – Formal consultation phase.

·               December – Finalising draft strategy based on feedback

·               January to March – Final approval process in readiness for publication and launch.


Anyone wishing to contribute to the co-production and engagement process - to inform the initial draft of the strategy ahead of its formal consultation should contact the Tackling Poverty Development Team via email


The Committee asked several questions, which the Tackling Poverty Service Manager and Head of Adult Services & Tackling Poverty answered accordingly.


The Chair thanked the Officers for their update.


Update on Digital Inclusion (For information). pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Additional documents:


For information.


The Cabinet Member for Community (Support) introduced the item to be presented to the Committee.


The Tackling Poverty Service Manager presented a “For Information” report on the progress of the work relating to Digital Inclusion which was partly a response to the Audit Wales report “Digital Inclusion in Wales” published in March 2023.


As a result, the Council completed an internal self-assessment of its current position on digital inclusion via its Digital Transformation Board.


He explained that the Council’s strategic position was embedded through our Corporate Plan, Digital Strategy and the upcoming refresh of the Tackling Poverty Strategy. Within the priority of ‘Digital Inclusion’, 7 actions listed in paragraphs 3.3 of the report had been identified.


In order to deliver the 7 actions, delivery of this work would be aligned through the Tackling Poverty Transformation Programme and reporting progress through the Digital Transformation Board.


A new Digital Inclusion Steering Group to provide collaborative working opportunities and coordination of action planning and implementation would also be established. Further information was included in Appendix B.


The Committee asked several questions, which the Tackling Poverty Service Manager responded to accordingly.


The Chair thanked the officer for the update.



Work Plan 2024-2025. pdf icon PDF 106 KB




The Chair presented the Work Plan for 2024-2025.


Resolved that the Work Plan be noted, subject to the following items potentially be swopped:


28 October – Enabling Communities / Adult Early Help Activities

9 December – Day Opportunities and Use of Assets