Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Gloucester Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions
Contact: Scrutiny Officer
No. | Item |
Disclosure of Personal and Prejudicial Interests Minutes: Datganodd y Cynghorwyr y Cynghorydd L Jones, F O'Brien, J McGettrick ac A O'Conner gysylltiad personol ag Eitem 6. |
Prohibition of Whipped Votes and Declaration of Party Whips Minutes: Dim |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on the 22 April 2024 were agreed as a correct record. |
Public Questions Questions can be submitted in writing to up
until noon on the working day prior to the meeting. Written questions take
precedence. Public may attend and ask questions in person if time allows.
Questions must relate to items on the open part of the agenda and will be dealt
with in a 10 minute period. Minutes: No public questions were received. |
Stakeholder Consultation - Public, Elected Councillors and Community Councils PDF 104 KB The Inquiry Panel will consider the submissions received from the public, elected Councillors and Community Councils. Additional documents:
Minutes: All elected Councillors, Community Councils were contacted by email and a Call for Evidence was put on the councils webpages on behalf of the Inquiry Panel, saying: The Community Asset Transfer Scrutiny Inquiry Panel would like to gain the views of the Public, Councillors and Community Councils across Swansea about your experience/s of Community Asset Transfer. The Panel have several issues they are looking for feedback on and would welcome your views on all or some of these (see attached the Inquiry Terms of Reference for more information). The Panel would appreciate your views on: a.
What went well? b.
What was most challenging? c.
What risks and barriers did you face? How did you
overcome or mitigate them? d.
What guidance, advice and support were you given?
Including in relation to funding and applying for grants? e.
What have been the main community benefits to the
transfer you have found since? f.
Have there been any particular disadvantages or
challenges found since the transfer? g.
What consultation did you (or was) carried out with
regard to the transfer? h.
Do you think the asset transfer process could be
improved, if so, how? Nine submissions were received and included in those were Community Councils, Councillors, organisations and members of the public. Details of the discussion had, and any further issues raised, will form part of the detailed notes that will be contained within the finding report that Panel members will consider towards the end of the inquiry. |
Desk Based Research PDF 239 KB The Inquiry Panel will consider the desk based research looking at practice elsewhere in relation to Community Asset Transfer Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Stuart Rice presented a desk-based research report that outlined some examples of different practice elsewhere including for example Southampton, Cardiff and Bristol. The conclusions of the Panel following this discussion will form part of the Panel’s findings report. |
Inquiry Project Plan PDF 107 KB Minutes: The project plan was noted. |