Venue: Remotely via Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - 01792 636923
No. | Item |
Election of Swansea Bay City Region Joint Committee Chair. Minutes: The Head of Democratic Services asked for nominations for
Chair. A nomination was received for
Councillor R C Stewart. The nomination was proposed and seconded. Resolved that Councillor R C Stewart be
elected Chair for the Municipal Year 2020-2021. Note: The Joint Agreement states that the remaining Leaders of the
three Councils act as Joint Vice-Chairs. Councillor R C Stewart (Chair) Presiding |
Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. Minutes: In accordance with the Code
of Conduct adopted by the City & County of Swansea, no interest(s) were
declared. |
To approve & sign the
Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record. Minutes: Resolved that the Minutes of the Swansea Bay City Region Joint
Committee held on 9 July 2020 be signed and approved as a correct record. |
Announcement(s) of the Chair. Minutes: The Chair made no announcements. |
Public Questions Questions must be
submitted in writing, no later than noon on the working day prior to the
meeting. Questions must relate to items on the agenda. Questions will be
dealt with in a 10 minute period. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Jason Garcia, Audit Wales presented the “Audit Wales, Audit of Accounts Report 2019-2020 for the Swansea Bay City Region Joint Committee”. The Auditor General is responsible for providing an opinion on whether the Statement of Accounts demonstrate a true and fair view of the position of the Swansea Bay City Region Joint Committee as at 31 March 2020. Jason
Garcia (Audit Wales) responded to questions of a technical nature whilst Chris
Moore (Swansea Bay City Region Section 151 Officer) responded to questions
relating to the position of the Swansea Bay City Region. Resolved that: 1)
The Audit Wales audit of the 2019-2020 Statement of Accounts
report for the Swansea Bay City Region Joint Committee be received. |
Swansea Bay City Region Joint Committee Statement of Accounts (2019/2020). Additional documents: Minutes: The Swansea Bay City Region Section 151 Officer (Chris
Moore) submitted a report which sought approval of the Swansea Bay City Region
Programme’s Annual Statement of Accounts 2019-2020. Resolved that the 2019-2020
post-audited Swansea Bay City Region Statement of Accounts be approved in order
to comply with the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014, as amended in
2018. |
Letter of Representation to Audit Wales. Additional documents: Minutes: The Swansea Bay City Region Section 151 Officer (Chris
Moore) submitted a report which sought formal acknowledgement of the Swansea
Bay City Region Section 151 Officer’s letter of Representation to Audit Wales. Resolved that the Swansea
Bay City Region Section 151 Officer and Chair of Joint Committee’s Letter of
Representation to Audit Wales be acknowledged. |
Financial Monitoring Report 2020/21 - Swansea Bay City Deal Outturn Position. Minutes: The Swansea Bay City Region Section 151 Officer (Chris
Moore) submitted a report which informed of the year end forecast outturn
position in respect of the Portfolio Management Office (PMO), Accountable Body,
Joint Committee and Joint Scrutiny Committee
administration functions. Resolved that the annual accounts of the Swansea Bay City Region be reviewed. |
External Review into the Swansea Bay City Deal Programme. Additional documents: Minutes: The Swansea Bay City Region Programme Director submitted a
report which informed of the Swansea Bay City Region Peer Review outcome and
recommendations. Resolved that the external peer review report be approved and that
the Swansea Bay City Region Portfolio Management Office be authorised to
implement an action plan based on the six recommendations. |
Economic Strategy Board Chair and Vice Chair. Minutes: The Swansea Bay City Region Programme Director submitted a
report which informed of a temporary change of Chair and the appointment of a
Vice-Chair of the Economic Strategy Board (ESB). Resolved that: 1) The appointment of Chris Foxall as Chair of the ESB for a period of up to 6 months be approved. 2)
The appointment of
Amanda Davies as Vice-Chair of the ESB for a period of up to 6 months be
approved. 3)
Both appointments be
reviewed after 6 months or at such time as necessary. |
Swansea Bay City Deal Projects Update. (Verbal) Minutes: The Swansea Bay City Region Programme Director provided an
update on the projects forming part of the City Deal Programme. Those projects
include: Ø
Digital Infrastructure; Ø
Homes as Power Stations; Ø
Life Science & Well-being Campuses Project; Ø
Life Science & Well-being Development
Planned for Llanelli; Ø
Pembroke Dock Marine; Ø
Skills & Talent; Ø
Supporting Innovation & Low Carbon Growth; Ø
Swansea City and Waterfront Digital District; Ø
Yr Egin. Resolved that the
updates and the progress be noted. |