Agenda and minutes


No. Item


Confirmation of Convener


The Panel confirmed Cllr Jeff Jones as Convener of the Development and Regeneration Scrutiny Performance Panel.



Disclosure of Personal and Prejudicial Interests


No interests were disclosed



Prohibition of Whipped Votes and Declaration of Party Whips


No declarations were made



Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) pdf icon PDF 356 KB

To receive the minutes of the previous meeting(s) and agree as an accurate record.


The Panel considered minutes from previous meetings and agreed the minutes of the meeting on 2 March 2021 as an accurate record of the meeting. 



Public Questions

Questions must be submitted in writing, no later than noon on the working day prior to the meeting. Questions must relate to items on the agenda. Questions will be dealt with in a 10-minute period.


No questions were submitted by members of the public.


Project Update Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Robert Francis-Davies – Cabinet Member for Investment Regeneration and Tourism

Phil Holmes – Head of Planning and City Regeneration

Huw Mowbray – Property Development Manager


Huw Mowbray, Development and Physical Regeneration Strategic Manager, updated the Panel on the regeneration projects in Swansea.  The Cabinet Member for Investment Regeneration and Tourism, Cllr Robert Francis-Davies, and Phil Holmes, Head of Planning and City Regeneration, also attended for this item. 


Main discussions focused on the following:


Copr Bay – Phase 1

  • Some minor delays, although proceeding well, taking account of delays in material supplies and labour.
  • Residential block is being fully fitted out and nearing completion.
  • Coastal parkland / landscaping progressing prior to greening. Water play additions being worked on.
  • The Bridge – finishing touches to floor and railings. Members queried whether visual handicap groups have been consulted. Officers confirmed consultations had taken place and tapping rails would be in place to help guide users.
  • The Hotel – Officers are looking at options to move funding forward. Members queried whether this would be through a UK based company. Officers confirmed that the current preferred operator is a top brand, with international links. Officers continue to discuss options regarding the funding with Visit Wales.
  • Officers explained that the Hotel development would be constructed with access alongside the Arena, having been designed to provide works access when needed.
  • Council colleagues dealing with operational / budget aspects to maintain standards of architectural and landscaping works.
  • Officers outlined that leasing is progressing well, all units are under offer and officers are close to finalising legal agreements for the Pavilion operator. Members questioned whether these would be local companies. Officers confirmed that all Council-let units would be local businesses, as purposely did not target national operators.
  • Members asked for further information regarding the type of operators who would be leasing units. Officers confirmed food/beverage operators from the local area have been involved.
  • Heritage panel will provide protection for residents in Marina area.
  • Areas of low and high-density LED bulbs, which can be switched off if necessary.
  • Members queried the maintenance of the LED bulbs and who will be responsible for maintenance. Officers confirmed this is in the business plan and the management responsibility for the external façade is the Council’s.


Swansea Central North:

  • The Government Property Agency is looking into hubs, having identified a number of bodies who may wish to occupy.
  • Members queried where exactly the hub would be located. Officers explained this would be next to the multi-storey car park.
  • Members asked whether the jobs would be new or relocated. Officers explained that some jobs may move, and some would be completely new. Officers suggested this would also benefit the City Centre by bringing a critical mass of employees into the city centre.


Wind Street

  • Officers explained that discussions have taken place with key traders, although meetings in general not well attended, despite the Council’s best attempts to engage traders.
  • Most of paving has been re-laid/replaced.
  • Street furniture to go in, and landscaping elements progressing.
  • Hospitably lay out has now been agreed, in terms of adjacent seating areas, as agreed between consultation groups.
  • Members discussed the use of information trails and QR codes throughout the area, as a useful source of visitor information.


Shaping Swansea

  • Bids have been received and assessed, cabinet report to be presented on 15 July to outline preferred options.
  • CADW meeting with officers due imminently to discuss listed buildings.
  • Officers outlined the 3 stages to the competitive dialogue process, included invitation to tender, shortlisting, and invitation for final tender, together with scoring mechanisms. Officers outlined that throughout this process the Council sets the aims and objectives to potential bidders.
  • Any preferred development partner would be involved in a number of different sites across Swansea. 


Repurposing Swansea

  • Coming to a conclusion, officers are producing a report for cabinet in September.


Palace Theatre

  • Planning and listed building consent in place.
  • Film company likely to record the regeneration of the Palace.
  • Awaiting analysis of contractor bids.


Powerhouse & Outbuildings

  • Two weeks extension of time granted. October completion date remains on course.
  • Project Bank Account (PBA) now in place.
  • Gas and water easements being resolved.
  • Members queried timescale on Penderyn Whisky fit out.
  • The Council have submitted a levelling up application to UK Government, if successful, some funding would be allocated to this project to help move forward.



Strategic Sites

  • Skyline – remain in discussions. Officers are hopeful progress will continue and are positive about outlook.
  • Felindre – Panel remarked on the long-term marketing of the site. Officers explained that speculative enquires are regularly made, however officers have also considered a possible option of a speculative build project for the future.


Tawe Riverside Corridor

  • Bascule Bridge – members queried whether cost was covered by a grant. Officers confirmed there have been an escalation of costs and that a discussion in ongoing.



Annual Review of Work Plan 2020-21 and Draft Work Plan 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 232 KB


The Panel discussed the previous year’s work topics.




Letters pdf icon PDF 323 KB

Additional documents:

Letter to Cabinet Member pdf icon PDF 389 KB

Cabinet Member Response pdf icon PDF 322 KB