Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre, Swansea. View directions

Contact: Scrutiny 636292 

No. Item


Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests.


·         None


Public Questions

·         Questions must relate to matters on the open part of the Agenda of the meeting, and will be dealt with in a 10 minute period


·         None


Notes and Conveners Letter pdf icon PDF 121 KB

·         To approve & sign the Notes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record.

Additional documents:


·         Approved


Statutory Member Q&A - Swansea Council pdf icon PDF 102 KB

·         Councillor Rob Stewart – Vice Chair of PSB, Leader of Swansea Council


·         Councillor Clive Lloyd came to represent Swansea Council on the Statutory Member Q&A

·         Governance and joint partnership working will be important going forward

·         The County Lives/Substance Misuse project is an excellent example of joint working within the PSB. Tangible outcomes and actions by all partners involved, joint location of services

·         The Plan demonstrates where the Board want to be, they need to remain flexible and be responsive

  • The objectives capture areas of focus partners can buy into
  • Pooled budgets are not in the foreseeable future
  • Legislation requires to focus on certain objectives, lots of consultation to get them, broad and flexible
  • The objectives are what people said they want
  • Need to produce an annual report, the right governance structure being in place will reduce bureaucracy
  • The governance review will help with structure clarity
  • Concerns that there are no resources in place to help deliver against actions
  • Small areas of improvement, the success will be if collaborative work becomes business as usual
  • There is funding of a Natural Resources Wales Green Infrastructure project which came about as a result of PSB work
  • The Commissioners have impact and influence over local Councils if they feel PSB is not working as it should
  • The role of ABMU is much more positive with a Local Area Co-ordinator role funding by ABMU in place in Llansamlet




Live Well, Age Well - Objective Lead Update on Action Plan pdf icon PDF 159 KB

·         Councillor Mark Child – Cabinet Member - Care, Health & Ageing Well

·         Jane Whitmore - Partnership and Commissioning Manager


·         6 key areas for the live well/age well action plan

·         Listened to people of all ages to feed into the plan

·         The ‘Big Conversation’ was around intergenerational work from ages 7+ and included lots of services

·         Worked closely with Development and Regeneration to feed into the City Centre Development. Linking in with Planning Officers to ensure public views are regularly heard

·         Common ground working – safety, loneliness, mental health, access to services and transport

·         Same themes are reoccurring – similar issues identified in a previous scrutiny activity

·         The issue of young people with dementia needs to be publicised more

·         Swansea is recognised as a successful dementia friendly City by the Older Persons Commissioner

·         Mental health is a big issue and young people want access to transport

·         Must involve the correct people when feeding back but conversations but translate into delivery

·         Trying to close the feedback loop with a co-productive approach

·         The Big Conversation is a quality feedback mechanism and involves the correct people

·         The 50+ network is expanding via the Local Area Co-ordinators

·         ‘Sporting Memories’ is a project aimed at people with dementia – will relay back to the executive lead and collaborate – PSB in action

·         PSB can be a vehicle to make progress on long term issues

·         ‘Making Every Contact Count’ developed by PSB – holistic approach e.g. fire check and home safety


Governance Update pdf icon PDF 117 KB

·         Suzy Richards – Sustainable Policy Officer

Additional documents:


·         Significant outputs as a result of PSB – will be reported in the annual report

·         Governance root cause of accountability, resources, risk, finance and responsibility

·         Steering group set up to explore best practice, legal and governance expertise drawn from existing PSB

·         Governance and Action Plans should be brought together

·         The governance review will inform success monitoring and reporting


Work Plan 2018/2019 pdf icon PDF 62 KB


·         Discussed

·         One of the meetings of the 2019/20 work plan to be held in the Faith in Families venue – arrange via Cherrie Bija Co-optee

Letter to Chair of Public Services Board pdf icon PDF 265 KB

Letter to Future Generations Commissioner pdf icon PDF 254 KB

Response from Future Generations Commissioner pdf icon PDF 95 KB