Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 5, Guildhall, Swansea. View directions

Contact: Scrutiny - 637732 

No. Item


Disclosure of Personal and Prejudicial Interests.


None Disclosed


Public Questions




Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 100 KB


The Panel discussed their role and effective working.


It was  noted that any reports / recommendations from this panel with respect to the PSBs functions or governance arrangements are to be sent to the Welsh Ministers, the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and the Auditor General for Wales for their information. This is in accordance with the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To approve & sign the Notes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record.


Notes of the meeting held on 12 April 2017 agreed as a correct record


Conveners letter and response from previous meeting pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Additional documents:


The Panel discussed the response provided by the Chair of the PSB to its letter dated 9 June and wanted to have more information on transition plans referred to in relation to Communities First.


Officer Briefing - Wellbeing Assessment pdf icon PDF 258 KB

Steve King - Senior Research & Information Officer


Steve King, Senior Research Officer, attended to brief the Panel on the key findings of the Wellbeing Assessment agreed by the Swansea PSB

He provided information about how the information was gathered, and the outcomes and scores.


Key points raised:


·         The assessment of wellbeing is a live document and will be reviewed, updated and improved over time

·         It is difficult to make comparisons as it is the first well-being assessment but the evidence base will be reviewed annually and a new assessment undertaken every 5 years, in line with Welsh Government expectations.

·         Some of the scores are based on averages which may impact detailed analysis

·         The main purpose of the assessment is to provide an evidence base to help the PSB to develop a Wellbeing Plan for Swansea , with a small number of objectives, that will make a real difference for citizens


      The following issues were discussed:


·         The meaningfulness of the scores attached to each of the primary drivers

·         What is meant by ‘good’ when referred to in drivers e.g. ‘good  job’

·         The accuracy of the picture the assessment paints about the level of income poverty in Swansea

·         How the assessment will lead to measurable action



Officer Briefing - Wellbeing Plan

Chris Sivers - Director of People


Chris Sivers, Director - People, attended to brief the Panel on the Wellbeing Plan.

She provided information on how the plan is being developed, who is involved and the next steps.


She also provided some background to the PSB and organisational structure providing advice to the PSB through various work streams, delivery groups and sub-groups.


Key points raised:


·         There are expectations of greater regional working in the future

·         The plan must be published by May 2018 after public consultation

·         The key is to embed partnership working into every organisation involved so it becomes their core business


The following issues were discussed:


·         The timetable for developing the Wellbeing Plan

·         The need for public consultation to be accessible and meaningful

·         The need for a scrutiny stage, as a statutory consultee, to be built into the development of the Wellbeing Plan, prior to sign off.

·         The need for a clear performance framework to support the delivery of the Wellbeing Plan, which can be scrutinized.


It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Chair of the PSB reflecting on our discussion and views on the Wellbeing Assessment and Plan.



Work Plan 2017/2018. pdf icon PDF 57 KB


A work plan for the year ahead was discussed.


It was noted that:


·         Changes may be made to the work plan as the Panel develops

·         Cherrie Bija offered to hold one a future Panel meeting in one of the Family Centres run by her organisation, Faith in Families

·         An information session on the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and the role of scrutiny has been arranged for Panel members for 13 September (10.00-11.45am)


It was agreed that:


a) the Panel meeting on 13 December deal with the draft Wellbeing Plan; and

b) the meetings on 25 October and 14 February review progress and achievements over the last year concerning the four PSB objectives, inviting in the relevant lead officers and project sponsors to meet the Panel.


Letter to Chair of Public Services Board pdf icon PDF 169 KB

Chair of Public Services Board Response pdf icon PDF 382 KB