Venue: Remotely via Teams
Contact: Michelle Roberts, Scrutiny Officer
No. | Item |
Disclosure of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. Minutes: None |
Prohibition of Whipped Votes and Declaration of Party Whips Minutes: None |
Minutes and Letters PDF 200 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Minutes of the 18 November were agreed as a correct record. The Conveners letter and Cabinet Member response following the Panel meeting on the 21 October was accepted. An update was made relating to a national Estyn report recently published relating to harassment in schools. The Panel heard that the report contains 3 recommendations, the Education Directorate have looked at these and will be progressing them via a working group. The Cabinet Member agreed to update the Panel on progress in due course. The Panel accepted the Conveners letter and Cabinet Member response following the Panel meeting on the 18 November. |
Public Questions Questions must be submitted in writing, no later than noon
on the working day prior to the meeting.
Questions must relate to items on the agenda. Minutes: No public questions were received. |
School Meals - Verbal Update Cllr Robert Smith, Cabinet Member for Education Improvement,
Learning and Skills and Helen Morgan Rees, Director of Education Minutes: The Panel Convener asked the Cabinet Member and Director to update the Panel on the Policy in Swansea in relation to the provision of school meals when a family may be in debit in their school meal account. The Panel heard that no child in Swansea should go hungry when at school and that there are contingencies for schools put in place if they do not have monies in the school meal account. The Cabinet Member said that we are here to support families and would encourage any family struggling to pay for school meals to have confidential dialogue with the child’s school. He also said that if any Councillors become aware of a situation arising they can contact him and he will look into it. |
Performance against identified education priorities (RAG) and Cabinet Member Q&A PDF 257 KB Cllr Robert Smith, Cabinet Member for Education Improvement, Learning and Skills and Helen Morgan Rees, Director of Education Minutes: The Panel asked the
Cabinet Member and Director to update them on the performance of the Education
Directorate against its key objectives. · The
Cabinet Member said that it is a positive set of outcomes especially given the
complications caused by the pandemic. · The
Education Scrutiny Performance Panel normally receives an annual performance
report from the statutory chief officer for education. During the pandemic
externally verified examinations have ceased and Welsh Government no longer
collects end of key stage assessments. In addition, the national categorisation
of schools is suspended alongside the inspection of schools by the education
inspectorate Estyn. As a result, it is difficult to make comparisons and report
on schools’ performance. The Panel
therefore looked at the education performance against its key objectives
including the RAG status. · The
Panel heard that the key education and skills objectives are
we want Swansea to be one of the best places in
the world for children and young people to grow up
we want every child and young person in Swansea
to achieve, to be healthy, to be resilient and to be safe
we want children and young people to attend
school regularly because they are more likely to achieve the skills and
qualifications that they need to go on into further education, higher
education, employment or training
we want children and young people to obtain
qualifications and skills that are suited to the economic needs of the future
and to be able to contribute positively as active local citizens
we want to prevent children from becoming
disengaged from learning
as corporate parents of Looked After Children,
we want our Looked After Children to succeed in school and to have
opportunities for further education, higher education, employment
or training
we acknowledge that a child or young person
with additional learning needs requires timely and effective support to allow
them to reach their full potential
we want our children and young people to be
aware of their global rights and responsibilities so that they can be active
and responsible citizens, fulfil their potential and make a difference to their
we want our children and young people to have
good Welsh language skills · The
Panel heard that it has been an unprecedented year in education but can point
to several successes some of these include for example the work around
Additional Learning Needs Reform agenda ensuring we are responding
appropriately to new Act. Also, the ongoing improvements and new schools via
the 21st Century Schools Programme. · In
conclusion, the Panel heard that performance against key objectives is good and
for a majority of objectives and reflects a status of
suitable progress, addressing the priorities in most aspects. Only minor
aspects require further attention. However, performance against a few
priorities and a few objectives is weaker due to resource issues, the effects
of the pandemic or by other external factors. Importantly, the evaluation of
progress is honest. Where there are key blockers to performance, matters are
reported as part of the corporate risk management process. Overall, the
performance against historic key headline indicators is impossible to report.
The key assurances for school management, governance and performance are now
mainly achieved through monitoring and evaluation by education officers. The Panel asked
several questions, these are summarised as follows: ·
How are the statements in the document measured, as some
are qualitative rather than quantative? Also, who determines the assessment of
the category? The
Panel heard that this is not done in isolation, and it is not one
person determining it, we work as a team and a group of senior learners to
challenge each other about each part of the RAG status. Also, it is not just a team leader or a head
of service determining this, we conversations with all those involved and ask
for feedback. · How much of this report
is outward looking, as much of what we do depends on our partners? The Panel heard that on frequent basis we
look at understanding how well we are doing not just internally as a
Directorate, but more outward facing in terms of receiving more feedback. We
have not actually surveyed our head teachers on our performance and, that is
something potentially that we should be considering like for example on an
objective like teaching and learning. We
have surveyed some of our schools in relation to their support needs over that
last academic year. Outward facing is part of the Well-being of Future Generations Act, so
ways of working have been transformed since 2015, it is an expectation that
everybody works in partnership and demonstrates integrated ways of
working. This report does not really
demonstrate how much work we do with other departments within this Council, but
we also work with our partners in terms of for example: ALN. · Are we providing the
right balance between measuring things and doing things? The Panel heard that planning is important for us to deliver well on our
objectives. We can aspire, but without a clear planning, those aspirations
could falter. But Director agreed that right to make sure there is a balance to
be struck in terms of getting two embroiled in paperwork when we should be
looking on the horizon seeing what else is out there and taking the temperature
of how well we're doing. ·
we benchmark performance with others? The Panel
heard that this is done if there is comparable data available, in for example
areas of corporate performance monitoring like pupil attendance. We compare this with other local authorities,
and we know where we rank. Were it is
sensible to make comparisons we do, but obviously some of those strategic plans
are unique to Swansea so difficult than to compare the level of planning and
delivery against that plan because, for example, our additional learning plan
in Swansea would looks different to another authority.
It is bespoke and unique to the needs of Swansea, so we have
to evaluate it locally. ·
Why are more children needing Additional Learning Needs
support? The Panel
heard that in the last seven years in Swansea Autistic spectrum disorder pupils
have increased threefold, so we know that there is a particular demand for
specialist places. We would dearly like
to educate them in Swansea so by creating more places here and bringing them
back from out of county places into Swansea is the aim. So that is a key objective
for us in terms of making sure we've got enough places for the learners. · In
light of
the recent publicised tragic child death in England, how are we ensuring the
Council is communicating effectively across departments and with its partners
including Health? In education
we and school are monitoring to ensure vulnerable and at-risk children are on
our radar, making sure information is shared between children service and other
relevant agencies. Regular meetings take
place between the Director of Education and Head of Services in Child and
Family to ensure all relevant issues are looked at. We also work with Health visitors and young
people’s mental health services. Training
is provided, both from a child protection and safeguarding perspective and
general training for younger children who are not always able to speak for
themselves. Both of those things together allow us to have eyes on children and
observe them very carefully. When teachers have concerns, they to share with
the designated child protection officers in their school. |
Swansea Skills Partnership Update PDF 203 KB Cllr Robert Smith, Cabinet Member for Education Improvement, Learning and Skills and Helen Morgan Rees, Director of Education Minutes: One year ago, the
Panel met with members of the Swansea Skills Partnership and today they asked
the Cabinet Member and the Director to update them on progress made since that
meeting. The Panel heard
that Partneriaeth Sgiliau
Abertawe/ Swansea Skills Partnership has made suitable progress during the last
year on building on its early foundations. The success of SSP can be summarised
as follows:
Promoting, maintaining and developing Swansea
as a Learning City
Developing a local action plan focussing on
digital capacity and guidance for learners in order to inspire learners to
consider the types of jobs and opportunities within the Swansea Bay City Deal
Developed a sustainable digital platform in My
Choice to support the learning and earning pathways of pupils in Swansea
Reinforced the collaborative advantage of
educators, careers advisers and officers working in partnership
Identified transition and taster opportunities
for Swansea learners to discover opportunities linked to their subjects,
interests and ambitions
Monitored and evaluated progress against
strategic priorities and ensured appropriate linkage to the Regional Learning
and Skills Partnership skills plan
Identified and developed strong careers advice
including apprenticeships and work-based learning and expanded the focus to
include younger
In partnership with higher and further
education providers explored professional learning opportunities and
dissemination of good practice
Ensured apprenticeships and work-based learning
align to future skills needs. · The
Panel were particularly pleased to see action taken and a focus on NEETs by the
Partnership. They heard about the
progress made in relation to the NEETs strand, hearing that a real traction had
developed in the last academic year and that the partnership had blossomed with
range of partners working together on this issue. · The Panel were
disappointed that little progress had been made with regard to engaging with
and including the business community but heard that the Partnership does have
links with the regional Learning Skills Partnership, and they are represented
on the board. Each of the partners also
have their own links with businesses and that link is fed in through the
partnership. Difficulty was express in identifying and get any nominations. The
Partnership would welcome any names that we can consider approaching. The Partnership would need to change the
terms of reference. A report that went to Cabinet originally did not reference
the business community, although there is a clear desire for that to happen. · The
Panel were pleased with how the Partnership is progressing but agreed that we
do need more involvement from the business community and this extra element
will make it even better. · The Panel asked if a
survey of partners had taken place this year? They heard that a survey of partners
has not be had this year, but it is an open agenda in terms of any partners
wanting to feed into the agenda and contribute to a strategy. That invitation
is always there. The Panel said that they would really encourage the Education
Directorate to come talk to the partners, in order to gain some indicative
feedback, asking then about how they want to see the partnership develop
further and how those partners think this could happen. |
Update on progress with the Regional Education Partnership PDF 258 KB Cllr Robert Smith, Cabinet Member for Education Improvement, Learning and Skills and Helen Morgan Rees, Director of Education Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member
and Director updated the Panel on progress made in relation to establishing the
new regional education partnership and the winding down of ERW. The Panel heard: · The Legal Agreement for
the new regional education partnership known as Partneriaeth
has been established with all three local authorities agreeing it at their
Cabinet meetings this Autumn. ·
This Legal Agreement allows us to have a Joint
Committee proper. Partners have met as a shadow joint committee but now we can
look forward in the new partnership, with a proper joint committee for the
first time and that can start to make decisions. ·
We also need to wind down ERW by closing down the
accounts and will need a final ERW Joint Committee meeting for that to happen. ·
Everything is still in the position of flex in the
sense that the existing staff structure is going through change, we have been
able to retain some of those staff, others have gone to other jobs, and there
may be positions that we will need to fill.
The size of the organisation has much reduced, and the staffing reflects
that. The staffing structure should be
in place by the end of January. · It will have a scaled
down focus as opposed to ERW and will focus on professional learning and
leadership development. The School Improvement aspects will set within each
local authority. · The agreement contains
a strong governance structure which includes the Scrutiny Councillor Group. ·
Panel asked whether all the original partners were expected to contribute to
the winding down of ERW? The Director confirmed that this is the case. |
Work Programme 2021/2022 PDF 69 KB Minutes: The Panel received the Work Programme. |