Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Lilian Hopkin Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - 636923
No. | Item |
Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. Minutes: In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City
and County of Swansea no interests were declared. |
To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record. Additional documents: Decision: Approved Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the meetings held on 14
& 16 May 2024 be approved and signed as correct records. |
Items for deferral/withdrawal. Decision: None Minutes: None. |
Determination of Planning Applications under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. PDF 79 KB Additional documents:
Decision: 1. 2023/1965/FUL - Approved 2. 2024/0164/S73 - Approved Minutes: A series of planning applications were presented on behalf
of the Head of Planning & City Regeneration. Amendments/updates to this schedule were reported and are
indicated below by (#) (Note: Updates to the report referred to below were
circulated to Members of the Committee and published on the Council’s website
prior to the meeting.) Resolved that the undermentioned planning applications be approved: #(Item 1) -
Planning Application 2023/1965/FUL - Construction of 31 no. affordable
dwellings with associated infrastructure works at Land East of Clordir
Road, Pontlliw, Swansea A detailed visual presentation was given. A site visit had been undertaken to the application site the
day before the meeting. Rob Davies (agent for applicants) addressed
the committee and spoke in support of the application. Councillor Victoria Holland (Local Member) addressed the
committee and spoke against the proposals on parking/traffic safety issues and
around the lack of public transport/free school transport only. Report updated as follows: Five additional letters, two from one
address, objecting to the application were received. The comments have been
amalgamated and summarised as follows: 1.
safety of school children, parents and residents.
Particularly at dropping off times at 8-9am, 11am – 12pm for nursery children
and 2.30 - 4pm but throughout the whole school day; 2.
car parking on roads is detrimental to highway safety and access issues for
emergency services; 3.
more suitable sites, rather than using greenfield and green belt; 4.
of increased traffic and congestion on wider highway network; 5.
site is outside village boundary; and 6.
services including Pontlliw Primary School, surgeries and bus service are
already struggling or at full capacity and have expansion issues. 7. Adverse effect on dormice and other wildlife, ecology and biodiversity 8.
Air pollution/Air quality 9.
Possible future expansion of development 10.
Devaluation of property 11.
Not in keeping with the area 12.
Loss of view The matters raised have already been
reasonably addressed within the original committee report. With regards to future expansion, each
application is assessed on its own merits, taking account of the particular
circumstances and the policies and guidelines applicable at the time of
assessing the application. There are no other planning application(s) before
the Authority for expansion of this site. As such, only limited weight could be
afforded to this particular matter at this stage in
the consideration of this application. Loss of view is considered not to be a
significant material planning consideration in the determination of this
application. Application approved subject to a Section 106
agreement. (Item2) - Planning
Application 2024/0164/S73 - Outline planning application (with all matters
reserved) for the refurbishment, alteration and/or demolition of all existing
buildings/ structures on the site (except St Mary's Church and St David's
Church) and redevelopment of site with indicative access/layout and scale
parameters on the north site of a maximum of 1 to 7 storeys and maximum new
floorspace of 84,050 sqm comprising retail/ commercial/office use (Classes
A1/A2/A3/B1) residential (Class C3), non-residential institution (Class D1) and
leisure (Class D2), multistorey car park and redevelopment of south site of a
maximum of 40,700 sqm of floorspace comprising a new arena (Class D2), up to 13
storey hotel/residential building (Class C1/ C3), food and drink (Class A3), undercroft car park, potential energy centre. Across both
sites, the provision of associated new public open space/public realm and
landscaping, new pedestrian and vehicular access and servicing arrangements
(including a pedestrian bridge link across Oystermouth Road), provision of new
bus stops on Oystermouth Road, new pedestrian access through existing arches
along Victoria Quay, relocation of Sir H Hussey Vivian statue, earthworks, and
plant -Section 73 application to vary conditions 1 & 4 of permission
2019/0980/S73 granted 5th June 2019 to amend the development parameters and
allow a revised timeframe in which Reserved Matters are to be submitted at
Former St Davids Centre and Other Land North And South of, Oystermouth Road, Swansea A detailed visual presentation was given. Gordon Gibson (objector) addressed the committee and spoke against the
proposals. |