Agenda and minutes

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Lilian Hopkin Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions

Contact: Contact: Gareth Borsden – 01792 636923 


No. Item


Disclosures of Personal & Prejudicial Interests from Members.




Minutes. pdf icon PDF 154 KB

To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record.


Agreed that the minutes of the Panel held on 22 April 2024 be approved as correct record.



Armed Forces Covenant Regional Project.


Update to be circulated via email.


Update from MOD.


Update to be circulated via email.


Swansea Bay University Health Board, Armed Forces Forum.


Steve Spill, University Health Board, provided the following updates:


·       203 Multi-Role Medical Regiment (MMR) – team building and recruitment event involving orienteering in various locations across Wales.  The event  had taken place in April 2024 and a further event was planned in mid September 2024.  The event was intended for anyone who was interested and not solely for NHS employees.  Further information could be obtained by contacting the University Health Board.

·       Refurbishment of the Artificial Limb Centre, Morriston Hospital – whilst  refurbishment works are ongoing, there have been no disturbances to the service.

·       Gold Employer Recognition – work was ongoing.




Supporting Service Children in Education Wales. pdf icon PDF 3 MB




Update from Panel Members.




Stephen Sullivan advised that the current funding stream of £9k was live.  The consultation period and expressions of interest were due to close shortly. Any organisations wishing to be considered to contact Adferiad.  Two day training courses (in South and North Wales) would be provided but were dependent on uptake.  A one year certificate would be awarded to participants.


Fighting With Pride


Ruth Birch expressed her thanks for the organisation of the Swansea Air Show and Swansea Armed Forces Day.


She advised that Fighting with Pride had recently published a directory containing useful information (


Furthermore, a campaign was underway for a debate in Parliament in order to consider financial reparations.


A Fighting with Pride Book was due to be launched. The book detailed the 25 years since the gay ban was lifted.  As a result of the successful reparations a presentation event was planned for Veterans in October 2024.


Veterans RV


Paul Smith advised that BBC Songs of Praise had made contact regarding a Remembrance episode scheduled for November 2024. The BBC were seeking Naval Veterans to participate in the episode.  Any suitable Veterans to contact Paul Smith for further information.


Third Sector & Trust Fund Commissioning Co-ordinator


Spencer Martin referred to the Swansea Air Show and expressed his thanks to everyone who had participated in making the tent a success.


The Chair thanked Spencer Martin and all participants.




Simon Winspear referred to the recently launched Lotto Abertawe which was a good causes lottery in the Swansea area.   He detailed the sign up process and highlighted that £0.60p out of every pound would go directly to good causes.  As unrestricted funds, he strongly encouraged groups to sign up as it would provide passive income.  Further information could be obtained from SCVS or Lotto Abertawe.





Royal British Legion


Phil Fowler expressed his thanks to everyone involved in the D Day Service and Parade which raised over £800 for the Poppy Appeal.


He referred to the V Day 80 scheduled for 10 and 11 May 2025 being led by  the Royal British Legion.  The two day event comprised a concert in the Brangwyn Hall followed by a service and parade through Swansea.


He highlighted the success of the D Day and Armed Forces Day and expressed his thanks to the Lord Mayor, Armed Forces Champion and all participants.


The Royal British Legion were developing a Community and Trust Group called VETS (Veteran Engagement Team Scheme) for all veterans whether The Group provided an opportunity to take part in clay target shooting, air rifle shooting and archery.  It was anticipated that the Group would be operational by the end of the year/early 2025.


He placed on record his thanks to the Armed Forces Champion for her support and guidance.


The opening of the Poppy Appeal would be 17 October 2024 in the Brangwyn Hall.  Engagement had taken place with 15/16 veterans’ groups.


He referred to the sad passing of the President, Tom Simmons and Panel Members offered their condolences.


Swansea Local Area


Natalie Ellis-Burt referred to a recent successful visit to Normandy as part of the Armed Forces Bikers.


She placed on record her congratulations to James Cadmore, who had attained the Welsh Veterans Award ‘Leader of the Year’.


The Chair, on behalf of the Panel, offered congratulations to James Cadmore.