Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Lilian Hopkin Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - Tel: (01792) 636923
No. | Item |
Adjournment. Minutes: Committee adjourned for 10 minutes to allow work to be carried out to the hybrid meeting system. |
Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interest. Minutes: In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea, no interests were declared. |
To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record. Minutes: Resolved that the Minutes of the General Licensing Committee held on 4 October 2024 be agreed and signed as a correct record. |
Minutes: The Team Leader – Licensing presented a report which sought
agreement for Licensing
Officers to approve medical requests from drivers of Hackney Carriage and
Private Hire Vehicles, for the exemption from carrying passengers in
wheelchairs and assistance dogs. The
Officer detailed the background, current position and proposed procedure. Members
asked questions of the Officer who responded accordingly. Resolved that: 1)
requests for medical exemptions under the Equality Act 2010 are made by drivers
and supporting documentation is satisfactory, the request is approved by
Licensing Officers; and 2)
there are concerns in respect of a request or where the supporting
documentation is not considered to be satisfactory, Licensing Officers will
refer the request to the General Licensing Committee for decision. 3)
receive an update report every six months outlining the number of applications
being dealt with by officers. |
Exclusion of the Public. PDF 116 KB Minutes: The Committee was requested to exclude the public from the meeting during the consideration of the items of business identified in the recommendations to the report on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as set out in the exclusion paragraph of 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information)(Variation)(Wales) Order 2007, relevant to the item of business as set out in the report.
The Committee considered the Public Interest Test in deciding to exclude the public from the meeting for the items of business where the Public Interest Test was relevant, as set out in the report.
Resolved that the public be excluded for the following items of business.
(Closed Session) |
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 - Restricted Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver's Licence - MG. Minutes: The Lead Solicitor outlined that MG was unable to attend the meeting as he was on a pre booked holiday. He was also scheduled to be away for the December Committee meeting. He outlined that due to the nature of the offence, School Transport had suspended his restricted driver licence pending him appearing before Members, so he is unable to drive pending his case being considered by committee. Resolved that MG’s
application be deferred to a Special Meeting of the Committee in November (date
and time to be arranged between the Chair and Officers) |
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver's Licence - GSD. Minutes: The Operational Lead – Taxis detailed the background in
respect of GSD. Members asked questions of the Officers who responded
accordingly. GSD and DR explained the circumstances relating to the matter and answered Members questions. Resolved that GSD’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver’s Licences be revoked with immediate effect. Reason for decision The Committee questioned the Applicant’s safety and suitability to hold a license. The Applicant gave no exceptional circumstances or
justifiable reason for them to depart from the Guidelines. He also didn’t
display an appropriate level of remorse to the committee. |
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver's Licence - SW. Minutes: The Operational Lead – Taxis detailed the background in
respect of SW. Members asked questions of the Officers who responded
accordingly. SW and DR explained the circumstances relating to the matter
and answered Members questions. Resolved that SW’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver’s Licences be revoked. Reason for decision The Committee questioned the Applicant’s safety and
suitability to hold a license. The Applicant gave no exceptional circumstances
or justifiable reason for them to depart from the Guidelines. The offences committed
were not an isolated incident. |