Venue: Council Chamber, Guildhall, Swansea
Contact: Democratic Services - Tel: (01792) 636923
No. | Item | |||||||||
Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. Minutes: In accordance with the Code
of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea, the following interest
was declared: 1)
J A Raynor declared a Personal & Prejudicial Interest in Minute 37 “Local
Authority Governor Appointments” and stated that she had
dispensation from the Standards Committee to Stay, Speak but Not Vote on
matters relating to the Appointment of Local Authority Governors; 2)
Councillor C E Lloyd declared a Personal Interest
in Minute 43 “Compulsory Purchase Order to Facilitate Highway Improvements”. |
To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record. Minutes: Resolved
that the Minutes of the meeting(s) listed below be approved and signed as a
correct record: 1)
Cabinet held on
20 June 2019. |
Announcements of the Leader of the Council. Minutes: 1)
Webcasting of Meeting The
Leader of the Council stated that as part of the ongoing works to enable the
Webcasting of Council, Cabinet, Planning Committee and the Scrutiny Programme
Committee; this meeting was being recorded. |
Public Question Time. Questions must relate to matters on the open part of the Agenda of the meeting and will be dealt with in a 10 minute period. Minutes: No questions were asked. |
Councillors' Question Time. Minutes: Councillor C A Holley asked questions
in relation to Minute 33 “Revenue Financial Outturn 2018/2019” and Minute 35 “Capital
Outturn and Financing 2018/2019”. The Leader of the Council and
Section 151 Officer responded. |
Scrutiny Report on Tourism. PDF 127 KB Minutes: The Tourism Scrutiny Working Group submitted a report which presented
the findings, conclusions and recommendations resulting from a Scrutiny Working
Group on Tourism. Resolved that: 1)
report be noted and the relevant Cabinet Member tasked with preparing a written
response to the report and recommendations and proposed action(s) for Cabinet. |
Natural Environment Scrutiny Inquiry Cabinet Member Response and Action Plan. PDF 261 KB Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Delivery submitted a report which outlined
a response to the scrutiny recommendations and presented an action plan for
agreement. Resolved that: 1)
response as outlined within the report and related action plan be agreed. |
Revenue Financial Outturn 2018/19. PDF 188 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Section 151 Officer submitted a report which detailed
the revenue financial outturn for 2018-2019. Resolved that: 1) The comments and variations within the report be noted; 2)
The proposed
reserve transfers detailed in Section 7.3 of the report be approved. |
Revenue Outturn 2018/19 – Housing Revenue Account (HRA). PDF 106 KB Minutes: The Section 151 Officer submitted a report which detailed
the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) outturn compared with the approved revenue
budget for 2018-2019. Resolved that: 1)
variations detailed within the report be noted. |
Capital Outturn and Financing 2018/19. PDF 142 KB Minutes: The Section 151 Officer submitted a report which detailed
the capital outturn and financing for the year ended 31 March 2019. Resolved that: 1) The net under spending of the approved budget of £27.979m be carried forward to 2019-2020. |
Re-imagining Wind Street. PDF 173 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair of the
Economy & Infrastructure Policy Development Committee & Cabinet Member
for Investment, Regeneration & Tourism submitted a report which sought to
grant approval to Officers to progress the potential implementation of the Feasibility
Study by developing further proposed plans to facilitate its delivery
particularly in regards to funding. Resolved that: 1) The principles of the Wind Street Feasibility Study be approved as the over-arching framework for the physical regeneration of Wind Street, subject to a more detailed design and approval process; 2) The Silver model scheme outlined within the report be approved with the ambition to move to the Gold model scheme should the funding become available, and to proceed to the detailed design stage and that Officers be permitted to progress applications for funding; 3) A further report be prepared setting out the detailed designs, explicit costs, detailed Equality Impact Assessment report including action plan to incorporate further consultation and engagement, and conformation of the funding arrangements prior to final decision of the scheme. |
Local Authority Governor Appointments. PDF 97 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Local Authority Governors Appointment Group submitted a report,
which sought approval of the nominations submitted to fill Local Authority (LA)
Governor vacancies on School Governing Bodies. Resolved that: 1)
The following nominations
recommended by the Director of Education in conjunction with the Cabinet Member
for Education Improvement, Learning & Skills be approved:
Relocation of Lifelong Learning from Bryn House. PDF 157 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member
for Better Communities and Cabinet Member for Education Improvement, Learning
& Skills submitted a joint report which set out the proposed relocation of
the Lifelong Learning Service from Bryn House Community Education Centre. Resolved that: 1)
The Lifelong
Learning Service relocate from Bryn House, Walters Road, Uplands, SA1 4PS to
the Civic Centre, with teaching delivered from alternative venues across the county. |
Residents Parking Policy Changes. PDF 729 KB Minutes: The Cabinet Member
for Environment & Infrastructure Management submitted a report which set proposed
changes to the Councils Residents Parking Policy. Resolved that: 1)
The proposed
changes to the Councils Residents Parking Policy detailed in the report be
approved. |
2019 Play Sufficiency Assessment. PDF 139 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member
for Children Services submitted a report which provided an update on the
requirements and findings of the 2019 Play Sufficiency Assessment. Resolved that: 1)
findings of the 2019 Play Sufficiency Assessment be noted; 2)
be given to allow the findings to be released as a public summary. |
Exclusion of the Public. PDF 112 KB Minutes: Cabinet were requested
to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of the item(s) of
business identified in the recommendations to the report(s) on the grounds that
it / they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as set out in the
exclusion paragraph of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as
amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales)
Order 2007 relevant to the items of business set out in the report(s). Cabinet considered the
Public Interest Test in deciding whether to exclude the public from the meeting
for the item of business where the Public Interest Test was relevant as set out
in the report. Resolved that the public be excluded for the
following item(s) of business. (Closed Session) Note: Councillor R C Stewart withdrew from the Meeting. Councillor C E Lloyd (Presided) |
Contract Award Report - Award of Framework Agreement for the Provision of Domiciliary Care and Respite at Home Services for Older People and Younger Adults with Physical Disabilities. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Care, Health & Ageing Well
submitted a report which sought detailed the outcome of recent tenders for the
appointment of Providers onto a framework Agreement for the Provision of
Domiciliary Care and Respite at Home Services for Older People and Younger
Adults with Physical Disabilities and / or Sensory Impairment and sought
approval to appoint 12 Providers onto the Framework Agreement. He asked that Paragraph 5.6 of the report be amended. Resolved that the recommendations as detailed in the report be approved together with the proposed amendment to Paragraph 5.6 of the report. |
Compulsory Purchase Order to Facilitate Highway Improvements. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Environment & Infrastructure
Management submitted a report which sought approval to prepare Compulsory
Purchase Orders. Resolved that the
recommendations as detailed in the report be approved. |
Disposal Programme Update. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Business Transformation &
Performance submitted a report which prevented an overview of the various
strands of work which make up the Property Disposal Programme, and highlights
some of the current ongoing work streams related to disposal of Council
property. Resolved that the
recommendations as detailed in the report be approved. |