Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Lilian Hopkin Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services: - 636923
No. | Item |
Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. Decision: In accordance with the Code
of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea, the following interests
were declared: - Councillor P R Hood-Williams
declared a personal interest in Minute No.19 – Internal Audit – Annual Report
2023/24. Minutes: In accordance with the Code
of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea, the following interests
were declared: - Councillor P R Hood-Williams
declared a personal interest in Minute No.19 – Internal Audit – Annual Report
2023/24. |
To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record. Decision: Approved. Minutes: Resolved
that the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) of the Governance & Audit
Committee were approved as a correct record. |
Internal Audit - Annual Report 2023/24. PDF 214 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Noted. Minutes: Simon Cockings, Chief Auditor presented a report which summarised the work completed by Internal Audit in 2023/24 and included the Chief Auditor’s opinion for 2023/24, based on the work undertaken in the year. The Internal Audit Plan 2023/24 up to 31 March 2024, was provided at Appendix 1. A complete list of each audits finalised during 2023/24, along with the level of assurance, the number of recommendations made and accepted were outlined in Appendix 2 and the performance indicators for 2023/24 were detailed in Appendix 3. Details of the following were provided: - · Review of 2023/24. · Follow up work completed. · Performance indicators. · Quality assurance and improvement programme and Statement of Conformance with the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS). · Statement of organisational independence. · The Chief Auditor’s opinion on the work completed in 2023/24. The Chief Auditor highlighted the sickness absence and
vacant posts within the Internal Audit Team, how that had impacted upon the
delivery of the Internal Audit Plan 2023/24 and he
thanked his team for their excellent performance given the circumstances. The Committee discussed the following: - High risk reports, particularly the risk levels, how the majority of
risks related to moderate reports, were reported quarterly to Committee and
progress was monitored by Internal Audit / the Committee. · Performance
Indicator (PI) 8 – establishing what other authorities were measuring against
in respect of this PI to establish its relevance, the relatively stable costs
and the drop-in productive days due to sickness / vacancies / training and
mentoring. · The
excellent achievement in achieving nearly 80% of the plan. · Providing
the actual cost of lost days, providing a two-dimensional view of the actual
costs, to compare with the PI 8 results. · The
vacancy recruitment issue, looking at possible secondments to fill the
vacancies, the possible recruitment of IT specialist and discussing the
secondment option further with Corporate Management Team. · Chief
Auditor’s opinion, particularly the explanation regarding materiality. · The
very positive external peer report provided by Blaenau Gwent Council in
relation to the external quality assessment of compliance with the Public
Sector Internal Audit Standards. The Chair and Committee thanked the Internal Audit Team for their work throughout the year in providing assurance to the Committee. The Chief and Principal Auditors expressed their thanks to the Internal Audit Team for their work throughout the year. Resolved that: - 1) The work undertaken by the Internal Audit Team in 2023/24 be noted. 2) The progress made against the Internal Audit Annual Plan be noted. 3)
The Chief Auditor’s opinion be noted. |
Internal Audit Review of the Accounts Receivable Function. PDF 163 KB Additional documents: Decision: Noted. Minutes: Ness Young, Director of Corporate Services provided the
Committee with an update on actions being taken across the Council to respond
to the latest Internal Audit review of the Accounts Receivable function. It was explained that following the Committee meeting in
January 2024, a task and finish project was established to clear the aged debt
backlog and to implement the previous audit recommendations. As a result of the
project, the Council had already implemented 25 of the 28 Internal Audit
recommendations, 7 of which were recommendations made in previous audits. The
remaining three recommendations (including two made in previous audits) were on
track to be completed by the end of September 2024, as described in Appendix 1. It was outlined that the Project Board had met monthly since
February and was working to reduce all categories of aged debt, with a
particular focus on debts over 365 days, recognising that these were the
hardest to shift because of their age. The Board had worked closely with
services across the Council to address the audit recommendations and to reduce
the level of debt. Examples of the actions taken were provided. The Committee were provided with details on the status of
debt over 365 days at
30 June 2024 (15 January 2024 baseline) and the overall outstanding debt
position. It was concluded that the strategic measures taken by the
Project Board had effectively reduced aged debts, particularly those over 365
days. From January to June 2024, the volume of such debts decreased by 30% and
their value by 22.5%. Engagement with utility companies had also significantly
reduced utility debt. Disputes in the over 365 days category had also
decreased, and legal referrals had increased considerably with the necessary
resources to progress them. On 30 June 2024, the overall outstanding debt
position showed reductions across most age categories, reflecting the
effectiveness of the actions taken. It was noted that an update report would be provided in
October 2024. The Committee discussed the following: - · The
excellent staff performance in reducing the aged debts figure. · The
aim to complete all outstanding actions by the end of September 2024, to
establish what ‘good’ looks like in respect of progress made and ending the
financial year with a level of debt which is categorised as good. · Staffing
resources within Legal and Accounts Receivable Teams and ensuring swift
collections and sufficient flexibility in the future. · Ongoing
discussions with Heads of Service regarding resources within their areas to
ensure they had sufficient staffing going forward. · The
lessons learnt from the troubleshooting exercise, particularly regarding
utility companies’ debt and positive strides being made in this respect. · Service
areas becoming more proactive in the pursuit of aged debt as
a result of increased corporate focus. · Chief
Internal Auditor to consider giving more outcome focussed Internal Audit
recommendations in future
to avoid ‘tick-box’ results. · Community
Alarm Service – partnership working with Carmarthenshire Council. The Chair and Committee thanked the Director for her report
and congratulated the Accounts Receivable and Legal Teams for the progress
made. Resolved that the contents of the report be noted. |
Draft Annual Governance Statement 2023/24. PDF 132 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Approved. Minutes: The Director of Corporate Services presented a report which report provided the draft Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 and sought comments from the Governance & Audit Committee prior to being forwarded for approval by Council as part of the Statement of Accounts. The report referred to the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives revised framework guidance on the Code of Corporate Governance, which detailed the 7 principles provided within the framework. Details of how the Authority had complied with the framework were also outlined, along with significant issues faced during the year. The draft AGS 2023/24 was provided at Appendix A and the final version would be reported to Council before being signed by the Leader and Chief Executive and published with the audited Statement of Accounts 2023/24. The Committee discussed the following: - · Reference to LGBT being amended to LGBTQ+. · Principle G – Assurance and effective accountability – Monitoring internal and external reviews providing assurance, strengthening governance. · Paragraph 8.15 – five moderate and one limited audit report issued last year – adding the monitoring of agreed actions for these reports to further strengthen governance. · Governance Training – it was noted that the training would take place on 25 July 2024. · Paragraph 7.1 – Offsetting actions in respect of the forecast overspend of £3.284m and advising Cabinet of the action required to clear the overspend. Resolved that: - 1) The Annual Governance Statement be agreed, subject to the amendments highlighted by the Committee being added. 2) The report be forwarded to Council for approval as part of the Statement of Accounts. |
Draft Governance & Audit Committee Annual Report 2023/24. PDF 166 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Approved. Minutes: The draft Governance and Audit Committee Annual Report for
the 2023/24 Municipal Year for the Committee to review and comment upon prior
to the final report being presented to Council. Resolved that the Governance and Audit Committee Annual Report 2023-2024 be agreed and forwarded to Council for approval. |
Governance & Audit Committee Action Tracker Report. PDF 134 KB Decision: For information. Minutes: The Governance & Audit Committee Action Tracker was reported ‘for information’. It was noted that the following reports would remain ‘open’
and would be discussed at the Committee meeting on 4 September 2024: - ·
Update on the Council’s response to the Audit
Wales 2023 Report on Community Reliance and Self Reliance. ·
Update on the Council’s response to the Audit
Wales 2023 Report on Social Enterprises. |
Governance & Audit Committee Work Plan. PDF 118 KB Additional documents:
Decision: For Information. Minutes: The Governance & Audit
Committee Work Plan was reported ‘for information’. It was noted that the following
reports would be discussed at the Committee meeting on 4 September 2024: - · Update on the Council’s response to the Audit Wales
2023 Report on Community Reliance and Self Reliance. · Update on the Council’s response to the Audit Wales
2023 Report on Social Enterprises. |