Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Education & Learning, Head of Service - Head of Vulnerable Learner Service
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
taken under delegated authority under the Councils Constitution.
recommendation is in accordance with the outcome of a fully compliant
procurement process and is considered to offer the Council the most
economically advantageous tender. Taking into account risk and reward it is
judged to offer the best value for money for the Council.
1. That
a contract is awarded to Platfform.
2. The commencement of contract on 09/09/2024 - 30/03/2027 with the option to extend for 28 months.
Publication date: 07/08/2024
Date of decision: 01/08/2024
Effective from: 13/08/2024