The council received two capital grants from Welsh Government (WG) £4,331,993 to be spent by the 31/03/2024. The funds were committed to the capital programme by virtue of two previous Cabinet reports.
£1,940,073 remained unspent at 31 March 2024, which WG advised that funds unspent by that date would be clawed back and an additional £508,434 is also required considering the increased costs associated with the programme.
A business justification case was submitted to and approved by WG for a new grant award of £2,448,507, and this report is seeking approval to commit that sum to the capital programme.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/05/2024
Decision due: 18 Jul 2024 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member - Education & Learning
Lead director: Director of Education
Contact: Louise Herbert-Evans, Head of Capital Planning and Delivery Unit Email: