Agenda item

Capital Budget & Programme 2022/23- 2027/28.





The Section 151 Officer submitted a report that proposed a revised capital budget for 2022/23 and a capital budget for 2023/24 - 2027/28.


Uplands Group Amendment

Proposed by Councillor S J Rice. Seconded by Councillor S A Joy.


The amendment being:


i)                Remove City Centre Acquisition and replace with School Energy Efficiency & Air Quality Improvement Programme (£2.825m) Page 140.


Following debate and a vote, the amendment fell.


Substantive Motion

Discussion took place on the substantive motion.


Resolved that the revised capital budget for 2022/23 and the capital budget for 2023/24 - 2027/28 as detailed in appendices A, B C, D, E, F and G to the report be approved.


Note: Councillor S J Rice asked, “How much will be spent on the repair and renewals of Schools in the forthcoming year?”


The Section 151 Officer stated that a written response would be provided.

Supporting documents: