Agenda item

Swansea Bay City Deal Portfolio Business Case.


Jonathan Burnes (Swansea Bay City Region Programme Director) and Ian Williams (Portfolio Development Manager) presented a report which provided the Joint Committee with an updated City Deal Portfolio Business Case for consideration and approval.


The document is required to be submitted to both Welsh and UK Governments.


They outlined and referred to the following areas contained with the document:

·       Purpose of report and 5 case model;

·       Main changes;

·       Economic viability;

·       Investment & Impact Summary;

·       Affordability;

·       Deliverability;

·       Project timeline and progress;

·       Priorities moving forward:


They indicated the report should be considered in conjunction with agenda item 12 which provides the Joint Committee with additional commercially sensitive appendices to the updated City Deal Portfolio Business Case.


Resolved that the latest iteration of the SBCD Portfolio Business Case be approved and submitted to both Welsh and UK Governments.




Supporting documents: