Agenda item

Determination of Planning Applications under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.


A planning application was presented on behalf of the Head of Planning & City Regeneration.


Amendments/updates to this schedule were reported and are indicated below by (#)


Resolved that


1)  the undermentioned planning application Be Approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report/below:


(Note: Updates to the report referred to below were circulated to Members of the Committee, the Agent and Local Member and published on the Council’s website the day prior to the meeting)


#(Item 1) – Planning Application 2018/2697/OUT - Land South of The A4240,  Parc Mawr, Penllergaer, Swansea.


A detailed and comprehensive visual presentation was given.


Report updated as follows:


Late letter from Councillor E W Fitzgerald to the Chief Executive requesting that this application is deferred to allow Members to visit the site and enable members of the public to address Committee in person reported.


Response of the Head of Planning & City Regeneration outlining


3 additional late letters of objection reported.


Late briefing/information pack relating to the site from the applicant reported.


Late letter of objection and information pack from Penllergaer Community Council reported.


Welsh Ministers have received a 'call in' request on this application which is currently under consideration and they have issued a Direction that the Authority cannot grant permission for this development without the prior authorisation of the Welsh Ministers. The Direction prevents the Council only from granting planning permission; it does not prevent the Council from continuing to process or consult on the application or resolving to approve the application. Neither does it prevent the Council from refusing planning permission. The Ministers aim to determine call-in requests within 21 days of the receipt of the report which was sent as soon as the agenda was finalised


The final paragraph of Section 7.8 on page 119 states that the site is an allocated site. It should be clarified that the application site also includes land within the Green Wedge (Policy ER 3) and a Landscape Protection area (ER 5). The proposed development parcels as indicated on the illustrative masterplan generally avoid the Green Wedge / Landscape Protection designations and would be subject to reserved matter applications to consider the finer detail/ layout at a subsequent stage. However, the A484 link and Active Travel Route 14 would run through both of these designations. Policies ER 3 and ER 5 seek to protect the openness of the green wedge and ensure proposals do not have a significant adverse effect on the character and quality of the landscape of the County. In the first instance, these links are essential and integral requirements of the site allocation and it is accepted that this infrastructure would run through these areas as shown in the concept plan. In addition, it is not considered that the proposals would impact on the openness of the green wedge nor significantly adversely affect the character and quality of the landscape. The road would be subject of a future reserved matters application and landscaping would be required to provide additional screening but in principle, the inclusion of the local transport infrastructure is considered acceptable. Policy CV2 Development in Countryside permits the development of necessary infrastructure provision, such as required transport infrastructure, subject to the integrity of the countryside being conserved and enhanced.


A summary of policies ER 3 and CV 2 are attached as Appendix A along with an excerpt of the LDP.


There is an error on Page 100 of the report as one additional objection has been forwarded on from the agent for the application. No new issues are raised but Section 6, Para 3 should read “8” objections.


There is an error on Page 119 of the report. Section 7.9, Para 1 should read “negligible” rather than ‘legible”.


There is an error on Page 123 of the report in Paragraph 3 which should state that 3 LEAPs would be provided on site instead of 2. An additional LEAP would be located in close proximity to the NEAP to provide an enhanced play area.


The Council’s Ecologist has queried, on Page 156, Paragraph 2, the location of the 62 bat and bird boxes proposed in Phase 1A (as stated in the Green Blue Infrastructure Strategy). 40 are indicated on the Phase 1A Landscape Plan but these are not considered sufficient by the Ecologist and conditions 15 and 65 will be updated to reflect this.


One amendment is required in the Planning Obligations section (7.27), in the first bullet point – the affordable housing would be disposed of either via a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) or the Council. The drafting omitted the latter.


Conditions and Advice Notes:


11) Condition 15 (Landscape and Ecological Management Plan) would be amended to the include the following (addition in italics for clarification):


·         Full details of the ecological enhancements within each phase (to include the location of 62 bird and bat boxes in Phase 1A for the avoidance of doubt)


12) Condition 47 (ULEV Charging Strategy) would be amended from the following:


“Ultra Low Charging Vehicle Strategy”


“Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Charging Strategy”


13) Condition 65 (Phase 1A Landscaping Implementation) would be amended from the following:

…The details shall also include the implementation of the ecological enhancements for Phase 1A as indicated on Soft Landscape Plan (Phase 1a – Trees Only) (Drawing No 1565704-SBC-00-XX-DR-L-001 Rev PL05)…


            …The details shall also include the implementation of the ecological      enhancements for Phase 1A as approved in the LEMP for this phase

            required by Condition 15.


14) An advice note would be added regarding future health discussion as      stated on Page 171.


15)  The advice note regarding LDP policies would be updated to refer to

Policies CV2 and ER3.



Pete Sulley (agent) addressed the Committee and spoke in support of the application.


Councillor E W Fitzgerald (Local Member) addressed the Committee and spoke against the proposed development and again outlined her request and support for residents request for the matter to be deferred pending a site visit and for members of the public to be able to address Committee.


Having viewed the extensive visual presentation from Officers no proposal was made for a site visit by Members of the Committee.


Application approved subject to confirmation from Welsh Government that they do not intend to call-in the application, thereby removing their Holding Direction, and subject to the amended conditions and Planning Obligations section above.

Supporting documents: