Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Gloucester Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services - (01792) 636923 


No. Item


Disclosures of Personal & Prejudicial Interests.




In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City & County of Swansea, no interests were declared.


Minutes: pdf icon PDF 216 KB

To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record.




Resolved that the Minutes of the Social Care & Tackling Poverty Service Transformation Committee held on 4 December 2023 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Short Breaks. pdf icon PDF 286 KB

Additional documents:




The Principal Officer, Adolescent and Young People Services, supported by the Commissioning Team Leader and Hub Manager submitted a report which presented the development of the services in relation to short breaks provision for children and families.


The report outlined the commitment, vision and ambitions for support services for children, young people and families in respect of short break arrangements for children and young people with disabilities and additional needs and their parents/carers.  It also outlined how they intend to ensure that the needs of service users inform practice and how services would be developed and adapted if or when needs change.


The following comments and questions were raised by the Committee:


·                Where the various funding sources were obtained;

·                Whether there was a cap on the number of short breaks a family / child could take and whether there were any waiting times;

·                Whether all families were aware of all the options available to them;

·                The possibility of specialist or enhanced sessions in cultural facilities, eg Galleries & Museums;

·                The number of beds available, how they were commissioned, whether they were value for money and whether they met demand;

·                How direct payments were utilised.


The officers responded to each point in detail.


The Chair thanked the officers for attending and looked forward to receiving an update once the Commissioning Review had been completed.


Resolved that the Social Care & Tackling Poverty Service Transformation Committee:


1)             Noted the contents of the review process currently being undertaken and

2)             Provided their views on the work undertaken to date.


Tackling Poverty Strategy. (Presentation)




The Principal Officer, Tackling Poverty provided a powerpoint presentation in relation to the work undertaken in relation to refreshing the Council’s Tackling Poverty Strategy (2024-2028).  It would be refreshed in partnership with partners and people by working together to address the causes and effect of poverty on people and communities, eradicating inequalities for those who were affected by poverty.


He explained that a public survey took place between August and September 2023 to feedback on the strategy and the way forward.  Over 300 responses were received and several comments made during the survey were shared with the Committee. 


The 7 emerging key priorities had been identified as:


·                Digital Inclusion

·                Community Support

·                Information, Advice and Guidance

·                Stigma and Discrimination

·                Child Poverty

·                Homelessness

·                Health and Wellbeing


The Principal Officer then outlined the way forward which included:


·                Ensuring an ‘everyone’s’ business approach (not just Swansea Council’s responsibility)

·                3 different editions of the strategy would be developed

·                It would be built around the journey, characteristics, approaches and pathways

·                The action plan would be co-produced with people with lived experience;

·                A public consultation on the key proposals would be undertaken.


The Committee made comments and asked questions which the Principal Officer responded to accordingly.


The Chair thanked the Principal Officer and Head of Adult Services & Tackling Poverty for providing the update and looked forward to receiving further updates when available.


Work Plan 2023-2024. pdf icon PDF 136 KB




The Chair presented the Work Plan for 2023-2024.


Resolved that the Work Plan be noted.