Agenda and minutes

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Gloucester Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions

Contact: Scrutiny Officer 


No. Item


Disclosure of Personal and Prejudicial Interests


Cllr Lyndon Jones declared personal interest in Item 8.


Prohibition of Whipped Votes and Declaration of Party Whips




Minutes pdf icon PDF 176 KB


The minutes of the 20 April 2023 where accepted by the Panel.


Public Questions

Questions can be submitted in writing to up until noon on the working day prior to the meeting. Written questions take precedence. Public may attend and ask questions in person if time allows. Questions must relate to items on the open part of the agenda and will be dealt with in a 10 minute period.



No public questions were received.


Harassment in Schools - Update pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Cllr Robert Smith (Cabinet Member Education and Learning, Helen Morgan Rees (Director of Education), Rhodri Jones (Head of Achievement & Partnership Service) and Lisa Collins, Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer


The Panel thanked Cllr Robert Smith, Helen Morgan Rees and Rhodri Jones for attending the Panel to discuss the report submitted.  This report followed on from a verbal briefing that was provided to the Panel in June 2021, when there was a national focus on this topic due to the Everyone’s Invited website, which provided a space for victims of sexual abuse and harassment to share their stories.  The report highlighted the work done by the Welsh Government and Swansea Council since that time. The Panel discussed the report and their views and comments will form part of the letter to the Cabinet Member.


Tackling Racism in Schools pdf icon PDF 331 KB

Cllr Robert Smith (Cabinet Member Education and Learning), Helen Morgan Rees (Director of Education) and Jennifer Harding-Richards (Religion, Values and Ethics Adviser)


The Panel thanked Jennifer Harding Richards and Pam Cole for attending the meeting and providing a written report that gave the Panel a detailed summary of the matter.  It covered:

·       Wider context

·       Local context

·       Governance and Leadership

·       School Environment/Hidden Curriculum

·       Parents, Carers and Community Partnership

·       Professional Learning and Development

·       Pedagogy and Curriculum

A summary of the Panels views on progress will form part of the letter to the Cabinet Member following the meeting.


Quality in Education (QEd) / Sustainable Communities for Learning Update pdf icon PDF 676 KB

Cllr Robert Smith (Cabinet Member Education and Learning, Helen Morgan Rees (Director of Education) and Louise Herbert-Evans (Team Manager Capital)



The Panel thanked Louise Herbert Evans for provided the Panel with a detailed Powerpoint presentation giving an overview of the Quality in Education / Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme.  The presentation covered:

·       An overview of the programme

·       Programme delivery

·       Capital Maintenance aspects

·       New builds like Maes Derw, YGG Tan-y-lan and YGG Tirdeunaw

·       Extensions and remodelling for example Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr and Bishopston Comprehensive School

·       What is remaining in the Band B programme

·       The new rolling programme/strategic outline and Mutual Investment Model

·       LDP Strategic sites

·       Programme risks and issues

·       Community focused schools grants

·       Additional Learning Needs grant

·       Universal free school meal rollout

The Panel welcomed the work undertaken to improve and develop the school stock and facilities for learning.  The Panels views will form part of the letter to the Cabinet Member.


End of year review in Education Scrutiny pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Councillor Lyndon Jones


As this is the final meeting of this municipal year, the Panel was invited to reflect on the year’s scrutiny work, experiences and effectiveness. Including any ideas that will improve the effectiveness of the scrutiny of education are welcome.


The Convener of the Panel thanked Officers and fellow Panel members for their commitment to the Panel feeling that it has made a positive difference this year.


The Panel said

·       they were pleased that the recent Estyn report of education services praised the work of the Panel.

·       they overall found school visits very useful and informative and would like to continue them in the coming municipal year.

·       they felt they had covered a large variety of issues within the year that affected education in Swansea.

·       it was extremely beneficial to have excellent support for the critical friend role of the Panel from the Cabinet Member for Education and Learning, the Director and the staff from the Education Department.



For Information - Recent Individual School Inspection Outcomes List pdf icon PDF 125 KB


The Panel noted the list of recent individual school Estyn Inspection outcomes.

Letter to Cabinet Member pdf icon PDF 168 KB