Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Lilian Hopkin Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services - 636923 


No. Item


Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests.


Councillor P Downing – Item 6 – 1 (2023/1965/FUL – personal


Councillor M H Jones – Item 8 - personal


In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea the following interests were declared:


Councillor P Downing – Item 6 – 1 (2023/1965/FUL) – personal


Councillor M H Jones – Item 8 - personal



Minutes. pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record.





Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 9 April 2024 be approved and signed as a correct record.



Items for deferral/withdrawal.






Provisional Tree Preservation Order 691 Rectory Cottage, Ilston. (2023) pdf icon PDF 3 MB




The Tree Officer on behalf of Head of Planning and City Regeneration presented a report which sought consideration of the confirmation, as a full Order, of the provisional Tree Preservation Order TPO 691, Rectory Cottage, Ilston. (2023).


The background history to the proposal and the provisional order served in December 2023, and the objections received to the proposal were outlined and detailed in the report and the verbal presentation.


The item had been deferred at the April meeting for a site visit, that site visit had taken place the day before the meeting.


Mr Gordon & Mr Coode (objectors) addressed the committee and spoke against the proposed TPO confirmation.


Resolved that the Tree Preservation Order TPO 691 Rectory Cottage, Ilston (2023) be confirmed without modification.


Determination of Planning Applications under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


1.     2023/1965/FUL – deferred – site visit

2.     2024/0365/LBC – approved

3.     2023/2630/FUL - approved



A series of planning applications were presented on behalf of the Head of Planning & City Regeneration.


Amendments/updates to this schedule were reported and are indicated below by (#)


(Note: Updates to the report referred to below were circulated to Members of the Committee and published on the Council’s website prior to the meeting.)


Resolved that


1. the undermentioned planning application be deferred for a site visit.


#(Item 1) - Planning Application 2023/1965/FUL - Construction of 31 no. affordable dwellings with associated infrastructure works at Land East of Clordir Road, Pontlliw, Swansea


Prior to deferral.


A detailed visual presentation was given.


Rob Davies (agent for applicants) addressed the committee and spoke in support of the application.


Richard Bowen (agent for Community Council - objectors) addressed the committee and spoke against the proposal.


Councillor Victoria Holland (Local Member) addressed the committee and spoke against the proposals on parking/traffic safety issues only.


Report updated as follows:


Correspondence has been received indicating that Pontlliw and Tircoed Community Council has written to the Welsh Government requesting that the application be called-in for consideration by Welsh Ministers. To date, no response or direction has been received from the Welsh Government.


Two additional letters objecting to the application were received by local residents with their comments summarised as follows:


  1. Impact of climate change with reference to flooding and drainage issues
  2. Traffic and highway safety issues, including proximity to a school, difficulties of access for large vehicles and limited bus service
  3. Proposal would not protect the natural environment and harm ecology/biodiversity interests
  4. Loss of trees, hedgerows and vegetation
  5. Local schools have insufficient capacity or resources
  6. Insufficient amenities in the village to cater for the development
  7. Loss of amenity to neighbouring residents including loss of privacy and disruption
  8. Alternative sites available in the area instead of greenfield and the proposal does not fit in the village


The matters raised have already been reasonably addressed within the original committee report.



2. the undermentioned planning applications be approved.


(Item 2) - Planning Application 2024/0365/LBC - Reconstruction of two derelict historic bridges (named Morfa Bridge and Silverstack Bridge) crossing the disused Swansea Canal, along with the side towpath and canal walls, to provide connection between Morfa Road and Morfa Copperworks site (application for Listed Building Consent) at Morfa And Silverstack Bridges, Morfa Road, Hafod, Swansea


A visual presentation was given.


Application to be referred to CADW.



#(Item 3) - Planning Application 2023/2630/FUL - Demolition of existing, part single, part two storey property and the construction of a new, part single, part two storey, dwelling with detached, single storey, flat roof garage at Cobwebs, Penmaen, Swansea


A detailed visual presentation was given.


A site visit had been undertaken to the application site the day before the meeting.


David Patton (objector) addressed the committee and spoke against the proposal.


Councillor Lynda James (Local member) addressed the committee and spoke against the proposal on visual amenity/design issues.


Report updated as follows:


Condition 2 amended as follows;

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans and documents:


2023/CBWEBS/SLP - Site Location Plan, 2023/COBWEBS/P01 - Proposed Site Plan, 2023/COBWEBS/P12 - Proposed First Floor Plan, 2023/COBWEBS/P13 - Proposed Roof Plan, 2023/COBWEBS/P17  - Proposed Side (East) Elevation, 2023/COBWEBS/P19  - Proposed Side (West) Elevation and 2023/COBWEBS/P20 - Proposed Garage/Store, received 19th December 2023.


2023/COBWEBS/P11 - Proposed Ground Floor Plan, received 26th February 2024. 2023/COBWEBS/P16 B - Proposed Front (North) Elevation - Street View, received 4th March 2024.


2023/COBWEBS/P15 B - Proposed Front (North) Elevation (From Inside Boundary) and P18 Proposed Rear (South) Elevation, received 8th May 2024.


2023/COBWEBS/P14 B - Proposed Front (North) Elevation (In Front of Garage), received 14th May 2024.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure compliance with the approved plans.








Application for Modification Order to Correct Definitive Map Error, Bridleway 12, Llanmadoc. pdf icon PDF 11 MB




The Countryside Access Team Leader on behalf of the Head of Planning & City Regeneration presented a report which sought consideration of an application made to this Authority to make a Modification Order to correct an error has occurred on the definitive map that results in bridleway 12, Llanmadoc being shown on an incorrect alignment.


The background history to the matter was outlined and detailed in the report.


Resolved that a definitive map modification order is made to correct the error on bridleway 12, and, if objections are received, for the order and objections to be submitted to Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW).



Application for Modification Order to Add a Footpath Running from Stephenson Road to Bridleway KI111 - Community of Killay. pdf icon PDF 729 KB




The Countryside Access Team Leader on behalf of the Head of Planning & City Regeneration presented a report which sought consideration of an application made to this Authority to make a Modification Order to add a footpath running from Stephenson Road to Olchfa Lane (bridleway KI111) to the Council’s Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way.


The background history to the matter was outlined and detailed in the report.


Resolved as a footpath has already been recorded via a dedication agreement with the landowner, the application be refused and that no Modification Order is made to add a footpath to the definitive map.