Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Gloucester Room, Guildhall / MS Teams. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services - Tel (01792) 636923 


No. Item


Disclosures of Personal & Prejudicial Interest.


In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea, the following interests were declared:


Councillors L R Jones and S Pritchard declared a Personal Interest in Minute 28 “Scrutiny of Swansea Public Services Board”.



Prohibition of Whipped Votes and Declaration of Party Whips.


In accordance with the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, no declarations of Whipped Votes or Party Whips were declared.


Minutes. pdf icon PDF 243 KB

To approve and sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record.  



Resolved that the Minutes of the Scrutiny Programme Committee held on 19 September 2023 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Public Question Time.

Questions can be submitted in writing to Democratic Services up until noon on the working day prior to the meeting. Written questions take precedence. Public may attend and ask questions in person if time allows.  Questions must relate to items on the open part of the agenda and will be dealt within a 10 minute period.


Scrutiny of Swansea Public Services Board. pdf icon PDF 254 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair and Vice-Chair of Swansea PSB, accompanied by the PSB representatives and lead officers, were present for Scrutiny of the Swansea Public Services Board (PSB).


Provided to the Committee in support of the session, for questions, were:

·       An update report on the efforts by the PSB to review the development of the performance framework to help show the work being undertaken by the PSB, following on from the agreement of a new PSB Well-being Plan 2023-28.

·       PSB Performance Framework / Action Plan 2023/24, including progress / status at Quarter 2 (Appendix A).

·       Draft Population Measures (Appendix B).


Committee questioning and discussion regarding the performance of the PSB focussed on the following:


·       The positive progress in developing a PSB Action Plan and challenges with the new performance framework;

·       Action Plan progress

·       Developments in partnership / collaborative working;

·       Significant areas of work and challenges within the PSB Action Plan – noted as associated with Early Years and Climate Change Strategy activities;

·       Well-being Step 4 – Making Swansea Safer, more cohesive and prosperous – the success of the pop up Community Village held on 3 June and the future development of this initiative across Swansea, including utilisation of community buildings; 

·       Efforts to increase community engagement.


The Chair thanked all concerned for the developments of the PSB performance framework and Action Plan, which the Committee can monitor in measuring the performance of the PSB and difference being made.


Resolved that the Chair of the Scrutiny Programme Committee write to the Chair of the Public Services Board, reflecting the discussion and sharing the views of the Committee.   



Pre-Decision Scrutiny: Oracle Project Closure Process and Transition to New Operating Model. pdf icon PDF 240 KB

a) Role of the Committee.

b) Consideration of Cabinet Report and Questions.

c) Committee’s View for Cabinet.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Service Transformation assisted by the Head of Digital and Customer Services, were present for pre-decision scrutiny of the Cabinet report on Oracle Project Closure Process and Transition to New Operating Model. The report was being presented to Cabinet on 19 October for decision, asking Cabinet to approve the £500,000 contingency budget for the project remaining in the earmarked Oracle Reserve to be used for the pending change requests from services and any additional in-year licence costs following review.


It was reported that the new Oracle System went live, as planned, on 1 April 2023, with major Council systems, such as Payroll, stable and operating smoothly.   The new system was resilient and secure helping to mitigate cyber and ICT Disaster recovery risks on the corporate risk register.  Examples were provided on delivery of Project objectives and benefits / improvements that have been realised and staff feedback had been positive. Some teething issues had emerged but had been worked through, mostly around integration with other systems.  However, to date there is only one outstanding issue relating to integration with pensions system, but this has not affected the payment of pensions, and is close to resolution. The Project will then close and move into the new permanent operating model, as ‘business as usual’.


The previous project board would be replaced by a Fusion Change Board going forward, comprising of service leads from across the Council. This new Board would oversee and approve any changes or new developments to the system as well as the quarterly patch releases from Oracle.


Oracle would develop and evolve the system, some based on recommendations directly from the public sector user group. In addition, the Council would work to maximise the new functionality within Fusion to improve business processes and operational efficiency.


The new Oracle Fusion Cloud system represented a major upgrade and would have regular updates with the potential to serve the Council for the next 20+ years.


Committee questions focussed on:


·       the significant increase of the project cost;

·       the contingency budget and future consideration of additional costs and funding options needing to form part of budget setting for 2024-2025 onwards;

·       ongoing costs which would need to be built into base revenue budgets; and

·       monitoring the on-going risk associated with the new operating model of managing capacity across the Council to deal with transformation and improving business processes and operational efficiency whilst dealing with ‘business as usual’.


The Chair thanked Members and Officers.


Resolved that the Chair write to Cabinet Members outlining the view of the Committee ahead of Cabinet on 19 October 2023.



Scrutiny Performance Panel Progress Report: Education (Councillor Lyndon Jones, Convener). pdf icon PDF 232 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor Lyndon Jones provided the Committee with a progress report on the work / activities of the Education Scrutiny Performance Panel. He referred to various issues that have been discussed over recent meetings, including the practice of visiting a number of Schools over the course of the Panel’s comprehensive annual work plan to help the Panel experience things ‘on the ground’, engaging with Chairs of School Governing Bodies, Teachers and Pupils, for example around school development and the new curriculum. He thanked all Panel members for their participation and ‘teamwork’ in carrying out this Scrutiny.


Resolved that the Scrutiny Performance Panel Progress report in respect of Education be noted.



Membership of Scrutiny Panels and Working Groups. pdf icon PDF 241 KB


Resolved that the membership of the Panels and Working Groups as reported, be agreed.



Scrutiny Work Programme. pdf icon PDF 283 KB

Discussion on:

a) Committee Work Plan.

b) Opportunities for Pre-Decision Scrutiny.

c) Progress with Scrutiny Panels and Working Groups.


Additional documents:


The Chair presented the a report on the Scrutiny Work Programme for 2023/24 which the Committee is responsible for monitoring.


The main items for the Committee on 14 November comprised:


·       Annual Corporate Safeguarding Report.

·       Children & Young People’s Rights Scheme (annual report)

·       Follow Up on Bus Services Scrutiny Working Group

·       Anti-Social Behaviour Scrutiny Inquiry Final Report


Members noted that the Scrutiny Training & Development Programme for Swansea Scrutiny Councillors was underway, which was being facilitated by the Improvement Team at the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA).  The following Sessions were recently held:


·       Introduction to Scrutiny

·       Scrutiny Chairing Skills


Upcoming Sessions:

·       Questioning Skills for Scrutiny – to be held on 31 October /

·       1 November

·       Scrutiny of Performance – to be held on 4 December / 6 December

·       Self-Assessment of Scrutiny (two parts) – to be held on 17 January / 23 January


The Chair encouraged all to attend. All Sessions were being held online via MS Teams, with the exception of the final 'Self-Assessment' part 2 session which will be in-person only. As well as benefitting individual Councillors, the Programme will help to inform Scrutiny Improvement Objectives and actions going forward.



Date and Time of Upcoming Panel / Working Group Meetings. pdf icon PDF 227 KB


The Chair referred upcoming Panel/Working Group/Regional Scrutiny meetings, for awareness.


Letter to Chair of Public Services Board pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Letter to Cabinet Member - Pre-decision Scrutiny pdf icon PDF 112 KB