Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre, Swansea. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - Tel: (01792) 637292
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence. Presented By: Yvonne Jardine Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor A J Jones, Mrs S Joiner and Mr D Anderson Thomas. Actions: Yvonne Jardine |
Disclosures of Personal & Prejudicial Interest. PDF 30 KB Presented By: Yvonne Jardine Minutes: In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea, no interests were declared. Actions: Yvonne Jardine |
Prohibition of Whipped Votes and Declaration of Party Whips. Presented By: Yvonne Jardine Minutes: In accordance with the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, no declarations of Whipped Votes or Party Whips were declared. Actions: Yvonne Jardine |
To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Scrutiny Programme Committee held on 19 January, 2015. Presented By: Yvonne Jardine Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Scrutiny Programme Committee held on 19 January, 2015, be agreed as a correct record. Actions: Yvonne Jardine |
Superintendent Phil Davies ( · Chris Sivers (Director – People) Additional documents: Minutes: Chief Superintendent Phil Davies (South Wales Police) and
Chris Sivers (Director of People) attended to provide a progress report on
Safer Swansea Partnership Performance and answer questions. A presentation was given (copy attached) which encompassed: · Focus
on Priorities; · Safer
· Reducing
Violent Crime; · Healthy
Nightlife; · Domestic
Abuse; The Chief Superintendent stated that the manner in which
crime is recorded had been changed. Previously, crime was reported and
investigated before then being recorded. Now crime is recorded as soon as
it is reported. With this ethical crime recording process higher levels
of crime can be expected, however there has not been a big increase in recorded
crime. He referred to recent crime figure analysis,
and certain hot spots e.g. burglaries around student areas. He referred
to the Police’s ongoing efforts at education and awareness raising
and reiterated that The committee praised the recent award of a Purple Flag
award, recognising the excellent management of the city centre night time
economy, and congratulated all involved in this achievement. In response to Member questions, the Chief Superintendent
stated that: · The Help Point facility based at the · Car
theft had reduced – attributable largely to more sophisticated car security
systems. Additionally, CCTV in · Although drug trafficking was down significantly
(down 24.6%) the Police are never complacent about drugs which underlie
a lot of criminality. Organised crime groups are on the Police radar and a proactive approach is
taken to dealing with the problem. Drugs will always be prevalent in · The
Police concentrate on Class A drug usage as this is still a problem area.
A recent night-time operation using a
drug itemiser machine in the City Centre tested 400 people, 100
of which were positive for Class A Drugs. 25
individuals were caught in possession of cocaine, which tends to be taken as
recreational drug. · In
relation to Cumulative Impact, the Policy has been positive and enabled the
Authorities to have some control in attracting the right businesses to
contribute to the night time economy. It had been very effective and
provided the responsible authorities the
power to challenge licenced premises coming into the City. He
reiterated that the policy was not about being anti-business but trying to
prevent an increase in problems associated with the drinking culture. · Crime
in Gower is highest in the summer
months but is not a year
long issue. It is important that the resources are
allocated to the correct areas at the right times. Whilst statistics have increased, it was
small compared to other parts of the City. · PACT
meetings are useful as one form of public engagement and Police Officers are
encouraged to get involved, however in order to be successful there must be a
collective view on issues. · All agencies are included in information sharing.
Whilst there have been previous difficulties with the Health Authority in
respect of patient confidentiality,
they are now fully engaged. Early
prevention at the front end does ease the pressure on accident and emergency
services. · The purple flag accreditation had been successful. However, the challenge now was to ensure that
it is sustained. · The
Police engage in prevention work in relation to community cohesion and race
crime and In response to Member questions regarding, domestic abuse,
the Director of People stated that: · She would circulate details of the new one stop shop to all
Councillors. · 5000
cases of domestic violence a year were
recorded by the Police, demonstrating a clear problem. There are many more
cases which are not reported to the Police.
· Some work has been done with It was suggested that the Safer Swansea Partnership could
work with the Economic & Social Research Council in order to better
understand the problem and incidence of domestic violence/abuse in Looking ahead the Chief Superintendent informed the
committee of a restructure /
review of policing in The Chair thanked Chief Superintendent Phil Davies and Chris
Sivers for the informative presentation and was pleased to see progress in a
number of key areas. RESOLVED that the Director of People circulate details of the Domestic Violence ‘One Stop Shop’ to all Councillors. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee took the opportunity to question Councillor M
Thomas, Cabinet Member Environment and Transport. Members’ noted the short report on ‘headlines’ provided by
the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport. The Cabinet Member stated that since his appointment in
October 2014 his activities had been dominated by the budget, examining
efficiencies and savings. In response to Member questions, the Cabinet Member for
Wellbeing and Environment and Transport stated that: · The target for this year in relation to measuring recycling
rates was 56%, which the Council are on track to achieve. The 3 black bag
limit had been a big success and the public should be
praised for their efforts in assisting with this initiative. · For every tonne over the target, the Council receives a £200
fine less the cost of land fill. This was a substantial amount of money,
possibly £250,000. · Cabinet
approved a report to submit a planning application in relation to Garngoch amenity
site. The planning application had been delayed pending the budget
proposals. There were plans to extend the site,
however, no budget had been allocated. · The
Council did not have control in relation to collecting waste from a majority of
commercial establishments. However, the Council had become more
competitive in this market and had, over the last 8 months, 140 customers and
increased commercial food waste by 500 tonnes, which was half a percent of
recycling. It was a growing business and the Council had offered to work
with the private operators. There are issues associated with the
collection of food waste as it must be segregated from general waste. · There were no definitive plans in respect of the development
of houses at Penllergaer
and the knock on effect at Junction 47. The LDP consultation had raised
awareness of impact on other services. Junction 47 required substantial
modification in order to manage the traffic. Despite the development
being identified in the LDP, this does not necessarily mean that the houses
will be developed. · Whilst
the issue of Section 106 was in a fellow Cabinet Members’ portfolio, it was
agreed that a rigorous process was required in relation to dealing with
developers who were not willing to pay. · Whilst
City Centre regeneration was the responsibility of a fellow Cabinet Member,
there is confidence in the project. There appeared to be two problems
with what was offered in the City Centre and the
ability to get there and park, walk or cycle. There was no point in
fixing the first issue if the routes were not connected to make them accessible · Over last two years, several Committees had scrutinised
public transport and provided reports which had not been progressed. The
majority of residents in · A monitoring process was required to assess the success of
initiatives designed to improve walking and cycling to school. [The Cabinet
Member stated that he would provide a written answer] · Officers
of the Authority do open black bin bags which have been dumped to identify
individuals and prosecute. Members of the public are not encouraged to do
so. · Two wards were trialling the use of pink hessian sacks, as
opposed to pink plastic bags. However, should the trials be successful there would be a cost to
the Authority and no budget has been identified for this purpose. [The
Cabinet Member stated that he would provide a written response in relation to a
question in respect of the disposal of plastic recycling bags]. In conclusion the Cabinet Member stated that he would be
publishing a programme of repairs to all Councillors indicating when
resurfacing or patch programs would be undertaken. However, Officers
could not guarantee that the timetable would be adhered to as the patch process
was weather reliant and subject to change as a result of circumstances beyond
their control. The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member for attending. RESOLVED that the Chair of Scrutiny Programme Committee write to the Cabinet Member reflecting the discussion and sharing the views of the Committee. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Convenor of the Service Improvement and Finance Scrutiny
Panel, Councillor Mary Jones, provided a further update to the committee on the
work of the Panel and its effectiveness. She referred to the key
activities and achievements/impact. She commented on the amount of work carried out over the
last quarter, including scrutiny of the budget, and questioning a number of
Cabinet Member on specific service areas and on progress against savings
targets. The Panel has also written to
the Chair of the Education through Regional Working (ERW) Partnership over the
level of in-year education grant cuts recently made. RESOLVED that the progress update be NOTED. |
Scrutiny Work Programme 2014 - 15. PDF 53 KB Includes: a) Committee Work Plan; b) Progress of Panels / Working Groups; c) Forward Look (Cabinet Business). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair presented the Scrutiny
Work Programme 2014/15 report which explained the background and purpose of the
Scrutiny Work Programme and the current position of all scrutiny
activities. She referred to the work currently active and progress with
the established Scrutiny Panels and Working Groups. The Work Plan
Timetable for future Committee meetings was also provided. The Chair referred to
correspondence received from a member of the public asking for action regarding
the sale of land at The Scrutiny Co-ordinator updated
the committee on the work of the Education Inclusion Panel, which has met
earlier in the day. The committee noted that the Panel had agreed to
proceed with an in-depth inquiry into this topic as there had been a number of significant concerns about
aspect of the Education Other Than At School service, Terms of Reference will
now be drawn up for this work. The chair referred to the various
topics for future Working Groups that had been identified by the Committee over
the course of the year. She asked the committee to provide a steer on
priority so that appropriate arrangements can be made. The committee was also informed that the Transformation of
Adult Social Services Panel had made contact with the Welsh Government Minister
for Health & Social Services, Mark Drakeford, and
that he had agreed in-principle to attend a scrutiny seminar in RESOLVED that: a.
The committee write to the Cabinet Member for Education about the public
correspondence received, for a response to the issues contained within; and b. The work of future Working Groups be prioritised as followed: Roads / Highway Maintenance; Young Carers; Target Areas; Civic Events and Welsh Quality Housing Standard. |
Membership of Scrutiny Panels and Working Groups. PDF 25 KB Minutes: The Chair presented a report
which advised of changes required to the membership of Scrutiny Panels and
Working Groups. RESOLVED that: a. School
Governance Pre-Inquiry Working Group
– Councillor F M Gordon be appointed as Convenor; b.
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services Pre-Inquiry Working
Group – Councillor H M Morris be appointed as Convenor and Councillors U
Clay, F M Gordon, T H Hennegan, Y Jardine, E T Kirchner, D Lewis, C L Philpott,
P M Meara, M J Jones and S Jones be added to the Membership; c.
Child & Family Services Scrutiny Performance Panel –
Councillor D W W
Thomas and Councillor J N Newbury be appointed as Members; d.
Corporate Culture – Councillor N J Davies to be removed. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair reported the updated Scrutiny Letters Log and
referred to the recent correspondence between Scrutiny and Cabinet Members. It was noted that a response from the Cabinet Member for
Education was still awaited on the various issues discussed at the 22 December
Committee meeting, including the question raised about the timescales for
completion of the review of EMLAS review
(Ethnic Minority Learning &
Achievement Service). RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Letters Log be NOTED. |
Report Back - Scrutiny Development Session: Making Scrutiny More Effective. PDF 52 KB Minutes: The Chair referred to the Scrutiny Development Session:
Making Scrutiny More Effective which was held on 29 January, 2015 and
facilitated by Ian Bottrill
from the Centre for Public Scrutiny in The chair stated that the level of attendance was disappointing
however it was a very good session, and summarised learning points and
proposals as a result of the development session. It was noted that co-opted Members from the Standards and
Audit Committees were also present and had made a positive contribution to the
session and were able to provide a different perspective on the work of
scrutiny. Amongst the issues raised by members was the importance of
scrutiny reports being discussed at Council in order to give the scrutiny
process more status. The need to take into account the recently published
consultation on the White Paper ‘Reforming Local Government – Power to Local
People’ as part of improvement plans was highlighted by the committee. The
White Paper, launched by Public Services, Leighton Andrew, contains the Welsh
Government’s statement of intent about the future of Local Government in Wales,
and set outs proposals for reform including scrutiny. It was agreed that the
issues for scrutiny within the White Paper should also help inform discussion
about how we can improve practice in RESOLVED that the feedback report be circulated to all councillors. |
For Information: Audit Committee Work Plan. PDF 22 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the Audit Committee Work Plan be NOTED. |
Date and Time of Future Committee Meetings for 2014/15 Municipal Year (all at 4.30 p.m. except where noted): ·
March 2015 ·
April 2015 Minutes: The dates and times of future meetings for 2014/15 Municipal Year were submitted for information. |
Date and Time of Upcoming Panel / Working Group Meetings: Minutes: The date and time of upcoming Panel/Working Groups meetings were submitted for information to help increase the visibility of this work and encourage participation. |