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Contact: Democratic Services - (01792) 636923
No. | Item |
Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. Decision: None. Minutes: In accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the City & County of Swansea, no interests were declared. |
To approve & sign the Minutes of the previous meeting(s) as a correct record. Decision: Approved. Minutes: Resolved that the Minutes of the Democratic Services Committee held on 19 July 2021be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Results of Members Questionnaire on Remote Attendance. PDF 232 KB Additional documents: Decision: Noted. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer presented a report to feedback to the Committee following the circulation of a questionnaire to members and officers on remote attendance. The questionnaire had been circulated to Councillors, Corporate Management Team and Heads of Service on 9 August. In total 42 responses were received by the deadline date of 30 August 2021 and comprised of responses from 32 councillors and 10 officers. 92.9% of those responding thought the current remote meetings worked well, with 42.9% of the view that they worked very well. The Monitoring Officer went on to outline both the advantages and disadvantages that had been raised, which would be taken into consideration when developing the hybrid/multi-location policy for councillors and officers. Resolved that the response of councillors and officers to the questionnaire attached at Appendix A be noted. |
Councillor Induction & Training Programme 2022. PDF 345 KB Decision: Approved subject to amendments. Minutes: The Head of
Democratic Services presented a report to consider the draft Councillor
Induction & Training Programme 2022. The Democratic
Services Committee of 19 July 2021 set up a Working Group to consider the
Councillor Induction & Training Programme 2022. The Working Group met on 26 August and the
notes were attached as Appendix A. He
also highlighted additional comments in paragraph 2.4 of the report that had
also been received. The Committee were
asked to consider the draft programme, attached as Appendix B and to identify
any further training that should form part of the Programme as well as
identifying which elements of the Programme should be mandatory. It should be noted
that item 60 on Appendix B would be amended to “Poverty Prevention”. There were no
additional items that the Committee wished to include. The Committee suggested
that the following topics should be deemed compulsory / mandatory: Ø
Allowances and Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW), Councillors
Self-Serve, Claims for Travel, Subsistence Allowances & Councillors
Handbook; Ø
& Social Media; Ø
/ Diversity / Welsh Language Ø
of Future Generations Act Induction Workshop for Councillors Resolved that the Committee: 1) Agreed that the following elements of the Programme should be deemed mandatory / compulsory; ·
Allowances and Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW), Councillors
Self-Serve, Claims for Travel, Subsistence Allowances & Councillors Handbook; ·
& Social Media; ·
/ Diversity / Welsh Language; ·
of Future Generations Act Induction Workshop for Councillors. 2) Recommends the Draft Councillor Induction & Training Programme 2022 with the above amendments for adoption by Council on 4 November 2021. |
Interim Statutory Guidance on Multi-Location Meetings. PDF 234 KB Additional documents: Decision: Approved. Minutes: The Head of Democratic Services presented a report to consider the Interim Statutory Guidance on Multi-Location Meetings published by the Welsh Government which was attached at Appendix A. In conjunction with the Local Government & Elections (Wales) Act 2021, the authority must set out the details of its arrangements for Multi-Location Meetings. These arrangements must be guided by a number of general principles. The Head of Democratic Services would prepare a Policy for the committee to consider and also consider whether any amendments would need to be made to the Council Constitution. Resolved that: 1) The Interim Statutory Guidance on Multi-Location Meetings be noted; 2) The Head of Democratic Services prepare a Multi-Location Meetings Policy. |
Democratic Services Committee Annual Reports 2019-2020 & 2020-2021. PDF 228 KB Additional documents:
Decision: For information. Minutes: The Head of Democratic Services presented a “for information” report to provide the Democratic Services Committee with the Annual Reports 2019-2020 & 2020 – 2021. The reports outlined the work of the Committee during those periods. The Head of Democratic Services thanked Allison Lowe, Democratic Services Officer for her work in collating and re-formatting the reports as well as the current and previous Chairs of the Democratic Services Committee for their assistance. Resolved that: 1) The reports be noted: 2) The reports be presented to Council on 7 October 2021. |
Workplan 2021-2022. PDF 119 KB Decision: Approved subject to amendments. Minutes: The Chair presented the Work Plan for 2021-2022. Resolved that the Work Plan be noted subject to the addition of the following items: 8 November 2021 Add: · Diversity in Democracy; ·
Hybrid / Multi-Location Meeting Policy
(dependant on progress). |