Venue: Council Chamber - Guildhall, Swansea. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - Tel: (01792) 636923
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence. Minutes: An apology for absence was
received from Councillor C E Lloyd. |
Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. Minutes: In accordance with the
provisions of the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea,
the following interests were declared: Councillors 1) Councillors
D H Hopkins and R C Stewart declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in
Minute 150 “Local Authority Governor Appointments” and withdrew from the meeting
prior to its consideration. Officers 1) Huw
Evans, Head of Democratic Services declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest
in Minute 150 “Local Authority Governor Appointments” and withdrew from the
meeting prior to its consideration; 2) Jack
Straw, Chief Executive declared a Personal Interest in Minute 151 “21st
Century Schools Programme - Contract Award and Capital Programme Authorisation
for the Design and Refurbishment of Pentrehafod Comprehensive Schools Existing
School Buildings. 21st Century
Schools Update - FPR 7 - Pentrehafod Comprehensive”. |
To approve and sign as correct
records the Minutes of the previous meetings of Cabinet. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the
meeting(s) listed below be approved as a correct record: 1) Cabinet held on 10 December 2015; 2) Cabinet held on 17 December 2015. |
Leader of the Council's Report(s). Minutes: The
Leader of the Council made no announcements. |
Public Question Time. Minutes: No
questions were asked. |
Councillors' Question Time. Minutes: Councillor
C L Philpott, Education Inclusion Scrutiny Inquiry Panel Convenor, asked
question in relation to item 7 “Response to the Report of the Education Inclusion
Scrutiny Inquiry Panel”. She queried why
recommendation 15 was “not agreed and also sought clarity in relation to
recommendation 17. The
Education Cabinet Member stated that she would amend the response to
recommendation 15 to read “querying” as this would allow the Panel to provide
her with greater clarity in relation to their recommendation. She
also outlined the rationale behind her response to recommendation 17. |
Response to the Report of the Education Inclusion Scrutiny Inquiry Panel. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet
Member for Education presented a report which outlined a response to the
scrutiny recommendations and to present an action plan for agreement. RESOLVED that: 1) The
response as outlined in the report and related action plan be
agreed subject to the response to recommendation 15 being amended to read “querying”. (Note:
This amendment allow the
Panel to provide the Education Cabinet Member with greater clarity in relation
to its recommendation.) |
Local Authority Governor Appointments. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Education presented a
report which sought approval of the nominations submitted to fill Local
Authority (LA) Governor vacancies on School Governing Bodies. RESOLVED that: 1) The following nominations be approved as recommended by the LA Governor Appointments
Minutes: The Cabinet
Member for Education presented a report which sought to approve and commit to
the Capital Programme the scheme for the refurbishment of Pentrehafod
Comprehensive School subject to confirmation of the grant and entering into a
contract with Welsh Government (subject to planning approval). The report also
sought authorisation to award a contract for the works to Tender No. 1, under
the agreement that following the contract award the contractor must obtain
planning approval and all risks associated with not achieving planning approval
are those of the contractor, and subject top confirmation of the grant and
entering into a contract with Welsh Government (subject to planning approval). RESOLVED that: 1) The
capital scheme as detailed together with the financial implications set out in
Appendix A of the report be approved, subject to
confirmation of the grant and entering into a contract (subject to planning
approval) with Welsh Government; 2) The
1st Stage Contract for the design of refurbishment, remodelling and
extension works for Pentrehafod Comprehensive School be awarded to Tender No. 1
under the agreement that following the contract award the contractor must
obtain planning approval and all risks associated with not achieving planning approval
are those of the contractor, and subject to confirmation of the grant and
entering into a contract (subject to planning approval) with Welsh Government; 3) The
Cabinet Member for Education be authorised to approve the award of the stage 2
construction contract for the new school Pentrehafod School, subject to the
granting of planning permission for the main works, and subject to confirmation
of grant and contract with Welsh Government; 4) The
Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to enter into any necessary
documentation required to complete the contract and achieve the scheme; 5) A
detailed Cabinet Report on the total costs for the scheme and outcomes of the Equality
Impact Assessment (EIA) report be submitted in late
2016 for information prior to any construction works being carried out. |
The Move to an In-House Managed ICT Service. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet
Member for Finance and Strategy presented a report which provided details of
the closure report and demonstrated that the Move to an In-house ICT Service
project had achieved what it set out to deliver. RESOLVED that: 1) The
report be noted. |
Review of Abergelli and The Beeches Alternative Day Services. Minutes: Councillor U C
Clay, Transformation of Adult Social Services (TASS) Scrutiny Inquiry Panel
Convenor, stated that a Pre decision Panel had met on 11 January 2016. She outlined the views of the Panel and raised
specific concerns in relation to Personal Development and Safeguarding. The Cabinet
Member for Services for Adults and Vulnerable People presented a report which
sought agreement to consolidate
the Beeches and Abergelli Day Services into one service. It also sought agreement that the Beeches is declared
surplus for service use. It set out the
rationale behind the service remodelling; the likely workforce implications of
the service remodelling and outlined the approach to communicating the
change to the workforce. RESOLVED that: 1) The
proposed remodelling of Abergelli and The Beeches Alternative Day Service by
consolidating the two services, using the Abergelli building as the premises be agreed; 2) Under
the Council’s Disposal Procedure Rules, the Chief Operating Officer undertake
an initial feasibility test to establish if the surplus property, the Beeches,
should be disposed of. |