Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Centre, Swansea.

Contact: Democratic Services - 636820 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor D H Hopkins.


Disclosures of Personal and Prejudicial Interests. pdf icon PDF 30 KB


In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct adopted by the City and County of Swansea, the following interests were declared:-




W Evans – personal and prejudicial – Minute No 135 – Local Authority Governor Appointments – Governor at Pontybrennin Primary School – left prior to discussion thereof.


R C Stewart – personal -  Minute No 135 – Local Authority Governor Appointments – know Mr C Anderson


M Thomas – personal – Minute No 140 – National Joint Council for Local Government Services – Pay Award for 2014/16 – wife works for the authority – had dispensation from Standards Committee.




M Hawes – personal and prejudicial - Minute No 140 – National Joint Council for Local Government Services – Pay Award for 2014/16 – wife works for the authority and is subject to a decision on Pay Awards – left prior to discussion thereof


T Meredith - personal and prejudicial - Minute No 140 – National Joint Council for Local Government Services – Pay Award for 2014/16 – affected financially if report approved -  left prior to discussion thereof



J Tinker - personal and prejudicial - Minute No 140 – National Joint Council for Local Government Services – Pay Award for 2014/16 – affected financially if report approved -  left prior to discussion thereof




Minutes. pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 18 November 2014.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of Cabinet held on 18 November 2014 be approved as a correct record.


Leader of the Council's Report(s).




Public Question Time.


No questions were asked.


Councillors' Question Time.


Councillor M H Jones asked a question in relation to Minute No136 – The Introduction of the Education ( Penalty Notice) ( Wales) Regulations 2013 and the use of Fixed Penalty Notices for non school attendance. The Cabinet Member for Education responded accordingly.


Scrutiny Inquiry into Street Scene Services. pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Additional documents:


Councillor J Bayliss Panel Convener, presented the findings, conclusions and recommendations resulting from the Panel’s Inquiry into Street Scene  Services. An amended covering report was circulated. Councillor J Bayliss thanked the Co - opted Member G Gibson and Councillor J Burtonshaw for their contribution.




The relevant Cabinet Member prepare a written response within three months on the Scrutiny recommendations.


Policy Framework


Council Constitution


Reason for Decision


To consider and action the recommendations made by the Scrutiny Inquiry Panel.




Legal, Finance


Request for Cabinet Authority for the Submission of a Planning Application at Ty Dewi Sant Sheltered Housing Complex, Fforestfach. pdf icon PDF 32 KB


The Leader presented the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing  which sought authority to apply for the installation of CCTV at Ty Dewi Sant Sheltered Housing Complex.




That the submission of a planning application to install CCTV camera

at Ty Dewi Sant Sheltered Housing Complex be approved.


Policy Framework


Council Constitution


Reason for Decision


The Consitution requires that Cabinet authority is given for the submission of Planning Applications by Departments of this Council on Council owned land.




Legal, Finance, Planning, Corporate Building and Property Services and Access to Services


Amalgamation of Brynhyfryd Infant and Junior Schools. pdf icon PDF 36 KB


The Cabinet Member for Education submitted a report which stated that no objections were received during the Statutory Notice period and sought determination on the proposal to close Brynhyfryd Infant and Brynhyfryd Junior Schools on the existing sites from September 2015.




That the City & County of Swansea cease to maintain Brynhyfryd Infant and Brynhyfryd Junior Schools from 31 August 2015, and establish a new all through Primary School from the 1 September 2015 on the existing Brynhyfryd sites.


Policy Framework


QEd 2020 (strategic programme)

Children & Young People Plan (priority 7)


Reason for Decision


Cabinet have previously approved that consultation could take place on this proposal and then, following the consultation period, approved that a Statutory Notice could be published. No objections were received during the Statutory Notice period and Cabinet must now determine the outcome of the proposal.  This proposal is consistent with existing Council policy to deliver, wherever possible, all through primary provision for pupils. 




Legal, Finance and Access to Services




Local Authority Governor Appointments. pdf icon PDF 26 KB


The Cabinet Member for Education presented a report which sought approval of the nominations submitted to fill LA Governor vacancies on School Governing Bodies.




That the following nominations be approved as recommended by the LA Governor Appointment Panel:



Cwmglas Primary School             Mrs Michelle Raven


Gowerton Primary School            Councillor Susan Jones

  (3 Vacancies)                             Mr Lyndon Mably

                                                     Mrs Kelly Small


Newton Primary School               Councillor Miles Thomas


Pontybrenin Primary School        Councillor William Evans


Whitestone Primary School          Mrs Margaret Wilson


Bishopston Comprehensive         Councillor Miles Thomas



Bishopston Comprehensive          Mrs Ruth McNamara



YGG Pontybrenin                          Mr R Gwyn Jones


Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr                         Reverend Doctor Adrian Morgan


Temporary Governing Body          Mr Cyril Anderson

for proposed amalgamation          Councillor Mike White

of Brynhyfryd Infant and                Mrs Debbie Whyte

Brynhyfryd Junior Schools.

These appointments are

subject to Cabinet agreeing to

proceed with the amalgamation

and enable a Temporary

Governing Body to be set up

early in the new year.






Policy Framework


Policy and Procedure for Appointment of LA Governors as amended by Council on 23 October 2008.


Reason for Decision


To ensure vacancies are to be filled expeditiously.




Education, Legal and Finance





The Introduction of the Education (Penalty Notice) (Wales) Regulations 2013 and the Use of Fixed Penalty Notices for Non School Attendance. pdf icon PDF 334 KB


The Cabinet Member for Education presented a report which informed Members of the introduction of the Welsh Government’s Education ( Penalty Notices) ( Wales) Regulations 2013 and the use of Fixed Penalty Notices ( FPN’s) for non attendance at school.




The Code of Conduct attached at Appendix A of the report for the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices in the City and County of Swansea and its implication from 1 January 2015 be approved.


Policy Framework




Reason for Decision


To comply with the introduction of the Education ( Penalty Notice) ( Wales) Regulations 2013 and the use of Fixed Penalty Notices for non – school attendance.




Legal, Finance and Access to Services


Sustainable Swansea - Fit for the Future: Budget Proposals 2015/16 - 2017/18. pdf icon PDF 243 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy submitted a report which considered the budget proposals for 2015/16 to 2017/18 as part of the Council’s Budget Strategy – Sustainable Swansea – fit for the future





(1)      the Budget proposals summarised in the report and detailed in        Appendix B and Appendix C of the report  be approved as the basis for           consultation.


(2)      the approach to consultation and engagement with staff, trade unions,      residents, partners and other interested parties set out in Section 7 of the report be agreed.


(3)      a report on the outcome of the consultation and final budget proposals      be received at a Special Meeting in February 2015.


Policy Framework


Medium Term Financial Plan and Budget


Reason for Decision


To seek Cabinet approval for budget proposals to enable consultation to take place with residents, employees, partners and other interested parties




Cabinet Members, Executive Board, Legal, Finance and Access to Services Team




Quarter 2 2014/15 Performance Monitoring Report. pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Additional documents:


hThe Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy submitted a report regarding the Corporate and Service Performance for the second quarter of 2014/15.




That Performance be reviewed to help inform executive decisions on resource allocation and, where relevant, corrective actions to manage and improve performance and efficiency in delivering national and local priorities.


Policy Framework


‘Standing Up for Swansea’ Corporate Improvement Plan 2013/17 updated for 2014/15


Reason for Decision


To receive and review the performance results for Quarter 2 2014/15




Legal, Finance and  Access to Services


Western Bay Health and Social Care Programme Regional Adoption Service. pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Services for Children and Young People submitted a report which provided an update on the progress of the implementation of the Western Bay Regional Adoption Service.





That Cabinet agreed:-



(1)     the proposed model/structure for the Regional Service;

(2)     proposals for a Regional pooled budget;

(3)     location and accommodation for a co-located Regional Service;

(4)     the Interim Legal/Partnership Agreement;

(5)     the implementation of a Regional  Panel;

(6)      for formal consultation with staff to be undertaken as part of  addressing the HR implications of forming a regional, co-located adoption service.


NOTE:-The recommendations above are made in order to assure Cabinet that the Council's statutory functions in relation to providing an Adoption Service are fully met, in accordance with legislation and guidance and the ADSSC and the Welsh Government’s plans for creating a National Adoption Service.


Polcy Framework


Sustainable Social Services for Wales: A Framework for Action


Reason for Decision


To agree a final structure and budget for the co – located Western Bay adoption service that meets the statutory requirement for a regional adoption service




Legal, Finance and Access to Services





National Joint Council for Local Government Services - Pay Award For 2014/16. pdf icon PDF 71 KB


The Cabinet Member for Transformation and Performance presented a report which  provided advise on the NJC Pay Award for the pay years 2014/15 and 2015/2016 and sought approval to implement.




That the NJC proposed pay award be accepted and applied


Policy Framework


Pay Policy 2014/2015


Reason for Decision


To enable implementation of the NJC Pay Award




Legal, Finance, Access to Services and Executive Board


Exclusion of the Public. pdf icon PDF 38 KB


Cabinet were requested to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of the item of business identified in the recommendations to the report on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as set out in the exclusion paragraph of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007 relevant to the items of business set out in the report.


Cabinet considered the Public Interest Test in deciding whether to exclude the public from the meeting for the item of business where the Public Interest Test was relevant as set out in the report.


RESOLVED that the public be excluded for the following item of business.





Councillors' Question Time


Councillor J W Jones asked a question in respect of Minute No 144 – Vibrant and Viable Places ( V & VP) – FPR& Loan to Coastal Housing Association. The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development and Regeneration responded accordingly.


Vibrant and Viable Places (V&VP) - FPR7 Loan to Coastal Housing Association.


The Cabinet Member for Enterprise, Development and Regeneration submitted a report that sought approval of this scheme and to include it in the budget within the Capital Programme.




The recommendations as indicated in the report be approved.


Policy Framework


City Centre Strategic Framework


Reason for Decision


To comply with Financial ProcedureRule No 7 ( Capital Programming and Appraisals) – to commit and authorise schemes as per the Capital Programme or to include schemes as per the Capital  Programme or to include new schemes in the Capital Programme.




Legal, Finance, Economic Regeneration, Planning and Access to Services


Contract Award Report for Procurement of a Waste Partner and Options for Landfill Gas.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Transportation submitted a report which sought Cabinet approval for a Contract Award in the Procurement of a Waste Partner process and to terminate the existing agreement with the incumbent gas contractor.




That the recommendations as indicated in the report be approved.



Policy Framework


Waste Strategy for Swansea


Reason for Decision


To comply with Contract Procedure Rule 13.12 to approve a contract in excess of £5m




Legal, Finance, Access to Services, Procurement and Place




Everyone's IT: The Move to an In-House Managed ICT Service.


The Cabinet Member for Transformation and Performance presented a report which sought Cabinet approval for the action required to ensure the Council has continued provision of ICT services when the current ICT contract with Capgemini expires and agree the option as detailed in the report.


He referred to the pre – decision Service Improvement and Finance Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 10 Dec 2014in respect of Everyone’s IT: The Move to an in – house managed ICT Service. As a result of pre - decision scrutiny, the Chair of the Service Improvement and Finance Scrutiny Panel had written to the Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy highlighting issues for clarification and consultation prior to the decision of Cabinet.


Councillor M H Jones attended the Committee in order to provide the views of the Panel.




The recommendations as detailed in the report be approved.


Policy Framework


Councils ICT Policy Framework


Reason for Decision


The Strategic Partnership Agreement ( SPA) with Capgemini will terminate on 31 December 2015.  Under the Contract Terms, the Council is obliged to inform Capgemini of its future intentions for the provision of ICT services. This report proposes the key elements of the in – house managed service from January 2016 and future provision of Oracle support.




Legal, Finance, Procurement, HR



The meeting ended at 6.10p.m.