59 Provisional Tree Preservation Order 691 Rectory Cottage, Ilston. (2023) PDF 3 MB
The Tree Officer on behalf of Head of Planning and City
Regeneration presented a report which sought consideration of the confirmation,
as a full Order, of the provisional Tree Preservation Order TPO 691, Rectory
Cottage, Ilston. (2023).
The background history to the proposal and the provisional order served
in December 2023, and the objections received to the proposal were outlined and
detailed in the report and the verbal presentation.
The item had been deferred at the April meeting for a site visit, that
site visit had taken place the day before the meeting.
Mr Gordon & Mr Coode (objectors) addressed the committee and spoke
against the proposed TPO confirmation.
Resolved that the Tree Preservation Order TPO 691 Rectory Cottage, Ilston (2023) be confirmed without modification.