Issue - meetings

Adoption of the Swansea Local Development Plan (LDP).

Meeting: 28/02/2019 - Council (Item 142)

142 Adoption of the Swansea Local Development Plan (LDP). pdf icon PDF 276 KB


The Cabinet Member for Delivery submitted a report, which sought to confirm the findings of the Inspectors’ Final Report on the Examination into the Swansea Local Development Plan (LDP), and to adopt the LDP as amended by the appropriate binding changes as the new development plan for the Swansea administrative area.


Resolved that:


1) The Swansea LDP (Final Version at Appendix 2 to the report - as amended by the binding changes set out in the Inspectors Report), as the new development plan for the Swansea administrative area be adopted ;


2) The Adoption Statement (at Appendix 3 to the report), Final Sustainability Appraisal (at Appendix 4 to the report ), Habitats Regulations Assessment including updates (at Appendix 5 to the report ) and Final Equalities Impact Assessment (at Appendix 7 to the report ) be approved;


3) The Head of Planning and City Regeneration or appropriate delegated officer be authorised to make any outstanding typographical, grammatical, presentational or factual amendments to the Swansea LDP prior to its final publication; and


4) Officers seek to secure, on certain developments, higher percentages of affordable housing than the target figures specified in Policy H3 for the North, East and Greater North West housing zones, where this is justified having regard to the level of constraints, planning obligations and other relevant matters.